Our authors
Keeley Abbott
Articles by Keeley AbbottKeeley Abbott is a Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University.
Gamal Abdel-Shehid
Articles by Gamal Abdel-ShehidGamal Abdel-Shehid is Associate Professor at the School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto.
Yasmeen Abu-Laban
Articles by Yasmeen Abu-LabanYasmeen Abu-Laban is Professor of Political Science and Canada Research Chair in the Politics of Citizenship and Human Rights at the University of Alberta.
Bruce Ackerman
Articles by Bruce AckermanBruce Ackerman is Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale University.
Peter Ackers
Articles by Peter AckersPeter Ackers is Visiting Professor in the History of Industrial Relations within the School of Business and Economics and the School of Social Sciences, Loughborough University.
Dennis A Ahlburg
Articles by Dennis A AhlburgDennis A. Ahlburg is Distinguished Professor of Economics and former President, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, and Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford.
Anya Ahmed
Articles by Anya AhmedAnya Ahmed is a Professor of Social Science and Head of Social Policy at the University of Salford.
Claire Ainsley
Articles by Claire AinsleyClaire Ainsley is Executive Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Sadiya Akram
Articles by Sadiya AkramSadiya Akram is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Paul Alexander
Articles by Paul AlexanderPaul Alexander is the founder of the Centre for Strategic Negotiations. CSN is a consulting, training and policy practice specialising in maximising the value of high stakes negotiations.
Kenneth Alexander
Articles by Kenneth AlexanderSir Kenneth John Wilson Alexander (14 March 1922 – 27 March 2001) was a Scottish economist and university administrator.
Kate Alexander-Shaw
Articles by Kate Alexander-ShawKate Alexander-Shaw is a Research Officer at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Agnès Alexandre-Collier
Articles by Agnès Alexandre-CollierAgnès Alexandre-Collier is Professor of British Politics, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon.
Mona Ali
Articles by Mona AliMona Ali, an associate professor of economics at the State University of New York at New Paltz, is writing a book on Anglo-America and the International Economic Disorder.
Nicholas Allen
Articles by Nicholas AllenNicholas Allen is a Reader in Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London.
Michael Allen
Articles by Michael AllenProfessor Michael Allen is an international relations scholar at Boise State University.
Sarah Allen
Articles by Sarah AllenSarah Allen is Head of Engagement at Involve.
Peter Allen
Articles by Peter AllenPeter Allen is Reader in Comparative Politics at the University of Bath.
Chris Allen
Articles by Chris AllenChris Allen is Associate Professor, School of Criminology, University of Leicester.
Leighton Andrews
Articles by Leighton AndrewsLeighton Andrews is Professor of Practice in Public Service Leadership and Innovation at Cardiff Business School.
Harry Annison
Articles by Harry AnnisonHarry Annison is Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology at Southampton Law School.
Klaus Armingeon
Articles by Klaus ArmingeonKlaus Armingeon is guest professor, Polytechnic University of Turin and researcher at the University of Zurich, Department of Political Science.
Tania Arrieta
Articles by Tania ArrietaTania Arrieta is a Lecturer in Work and Employment at the University of Leicester
Edward Ashbee
Articles by Edward AshbeeEdward Ashbee is a professor in the Department of International Economics, Government and Business at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Vassilis Asimakopoulos
Articles by Vassilis AsimakopoulosVassilis Assimakopoulos is a lawyer and teaches politics at the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
Paula Aucott
Articles by Paula AucottPaula Aucott is Senior Research Associate at the University of Portsmouth.
Paul Auerbach
Articles by Paul AuerbachPaul Auerbach is a Reader in Economics at Kingston University.
Arthur Aughey
Articles by Arthur Aughey -
Sarah Ayres
Articles by Sarah AyresSarah Ayres is Professor of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Bristol.
Zahra Babar
Articles by Zahra BabarZahra Babar is Associate Director for Research at the Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University in Qatar.
Abigail B. Bakan
Articles by Abigail B. BakanAbigail B. Bakan is a Professor in the Department of Social Justice Education (SJE) at OISE, University of Toronto.
Tim Bale
Articles by Tim BaleTim Bale is Professor of Politics at Queen Mary, University of London.
David Banister
Articles by David BanisterDavid Banister is Professor Emeritus of Transport Studies at the University of Oxford.
Anthony Barnett
Articles by Anthony BarnettAnthony Barnett is a co-founder of openDemocracy. His Taking Control! Humanity and America after Trump and the Pandemic, will be published in March 2022.
Holly Barrow
Articles by Holly BarrowHolly Barrow is a political correspondent for the Immigration Advice Service.
Patrick Barwise
Articles by Patrick BarwisePatrick Barwise is Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing at London Business School and Chairman of the Archive of Market and Social Research.
Lewis Bassett
Articles by Lewis BassettLewis Bassett is writing a book on the Labour Party.
Lewis Baston
Articles by Lewis BastonLewis Baston is a writer on elections, politics, and history.
Neil Basu
Articles by Neil BasuNeil Basu QPM is a retired member of the Metropolitan Police Service, having served from 1992 to 2022.
Balki Begumhan Bayhan
Articles by Balki Begumhan BayhanBalki Begumhan Bayhan is a PhD researcher in Politics at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations and a PGTA at the University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies.
Daniel Béland
Articles by Daniel BélandDaniel Béland is a Canada Research Chair in Public Policy at University of Saskatchewan.
Torsten Bell
Articles by Torsten BellTorsten Bell is the Director of the Resolution Foundation.
Sarah Benton
Articles by Sarah BentonSarah Benton is a former the deputy editor of the New Statesman.
Anders Berg-Sørensen
Articles by Anders Berg-SørensenAnders Berg-Sørensen is Associate Professor in Political Theory with an interest in intellectual history, ideology studies and the history of political thought at the University of Copenhagen.
Christine Berry
Articles by Christine BerryChristine Berry is an independent writer and researcher, contributing editor of Renewal journal, Associate Fellow of IPPR North and Senior Fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab.
Craig Berry
Articles by Craig BerryCraig Berry is a political economist and author of Pensions Imperilled. He is Head of Future Economies at Manchester Metropolitan University and Manchester Centre for Economic Policy.
Mark Bhaskar
Articles by Mark BhaskarMark Bhaskar is a PhD Candidate in the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. His doctoral research focuses on empire building in the 21st century, with an emphasis on imperial strategy in China, Iran, and Turkey.
Aveek Bhattacharya
Articles by Aveek BhattacharyaAveek Bhattacharya is Research Director at the Social Market Foundation.
Kalwant Bhopal
Articles by Kalwant BhopalKalwant Bhopal is Professor of Education and Social Justice, University of Birmingham.
Holly Bird
Articles by Holly BirdHolly Bird is research assistant at the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice, Strathclyde University.
Gemma Birkett
Articles by Gemma BirkettGemma Birkett is a Lecturer in Criminology at City University.
Luke Blaxill
Articles by Luke BlaxillLuke Blaxill is a lecturer in British history at Hertford College, University of Oxford. His personal website is www.lukeblaxill.com/
Steffan Blayney
Articles by Steffan BlayneyDr. Steffan Blayney is based at the Department of History at the University of Sheffield.
Jon Bloomfield
Articles by Jon BloomfieldJon Bloomfield is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham; Fred Steward is Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster, London.
Vernon Bogdanor
Articles by Vernon BogdanorVernon Bogdanor is Professor of Government, King's College, London.
Jonathan Boston
Articles by Jonathan BostonJonathan has served as Director of the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies and Director of the Institute of Policy Studies at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He previously worked briefly for the New Zealand Treasury and taught at the University of Canterbury.
John Boswell
Articles by John BoswellJohn Boswell is Professor of Politics at the University of Southampton.
Christina Boswell
Articles by Christina BoswellChristina Boswell is Professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh.
Kate Bowers
Articles by Kate BowersKate J Bowers is a Professor of Crime Science and Head of Security and Crime Science at University College London.
Daniel Bowman
Articles by Daniel BowmanDaniel Bowman is a doctoral candidate researching mental health in the Department of Politics at the University of Liverpool.
Cameron Boyle
Articles by Cameron BoyleCameron Boyle is a political correspondent for the Immigration Advice Service, an organisation of immigration solicitors that help undocumented migrants to regulate their status.
Ben Bradford
Articles by Ben BradfordBen Bradford is Professor of Global City Policing and Director of the Centre for Global City Policing in the Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London. He is an Affiliated Scholar in the Justice Collaboratory of Yale Law School.
Zrinka Bralo
Articles by Zrinka BraloZrinka Bralo is CEO of Migrants Organise, Trustee of the Women's Refugee Commission and founder of the Women on the Move Awards.
Paul Breen
Articles by Paul BreenPaul Breen is a Senior Lecturer and Digital Learning Developer at University College London, author of books including The Charlton Men.
C.E.B. Brett
Articles by C.E.B. Brett -
Richard Briand
Articles by Richard Briand -
Olivia Bridge
Articles by Olivia BridgeOlivia Bridge is the political correspondent for the Immigration Advice Service; an organisation of leading UK immigration lawyers based in Manchester.
Jonathan Bright
Articles by Jonathan BrightJonathan Bright is Head of Public Services and AI Safety at The Alan Turing Institute.
Victoria Brittain
Articles by Victoria BrittainVictoria Brittain is a former associate foreign editor of The Guardian. She wrote Love and Resistance in the Films of Mai Masri and co-edited Writing Palestine with Haifa Zangana.
Tristan Brookes
Articles by Tristan BrookesTristan Brookes is a freelance writer living in London.
Henry Phelps Brown
Articles by Henry Phelps BrownSir Ernest Henry Phelps Brown (10 February 1906 – 15 December 1994) was a prominent British economist.
William Brown
Articles by William BrownWilliam Brown is Emeritus Professor of Industrial Relations at Cambridge University and was a founder member of the Low Pay Commission.
Archie Brown
Articles by Archie BrownArchie Brown's The Human Factor: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher, and the End of the Cold War won the Pushkin House Book Prize 2021
Coree Brown Swan
Articles by Coree Brown SwanCoree Brown Swan is a Lecturer, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen's University Belfast.
Lucy Bryant
Articles by Lucy BryantLucy Bryant is a Lecturer in Criminology at the Open University.
Erzsébet Bukodi
Articles by Erzsébet Bukodi -
Jon Burnett
Articles by Jon BurnettJon Burnett is a lecturer in Criminology at Swansea University. He is the author of Work and The Carceral State (Pluto Press, 2022).
Phil Burton-Cartledge
Articles by Phil Burton-CartledgePhil Burton-Cartledge is course director for the School of Law and Social Sciences and the programme lead for Sociology at the University of Derby.
Jethro Butler
Articles by Jethro ButlerJethro Butler is a research fellow in the Interdisciplinary Ethics Research Group in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick.
Liam Byrne
Articles by Liam ByrneLiam Byrne is Honorary Fellow, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne.
Frances Cairncross
Articles by Frances CairncrossFrances Anne Cairncross is a British economist, journalist and academic and is former Rector of Exeter College, Oxford.
Paul Cairney
Articles by Paul CairneyPaul Cairney is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Stirling.
Luca Calafati
Articles by Luca CalafatiLuca Calafati is a social researcher from Milan.
Rob Calvert Jump
Articles by Rob Calvert JumpRob Calvert Jump is a research fellow based at the Institute of Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability, University of Greenwich.
Deborah Cameron
Articles by Deborah CameronDeborah Cameron is the Rupert Murdoch Professor of Language and Communication at the University of Oxford.
Steven Cammiss
Articles by Steven CammissSteven Cammiss is a Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester.
Duncan Campbell
Articles by Duncan CampbellDuncan Campbell was a senior reporter for The Guardian. His most recent book is The Underworld: The Inside Story of Britain's Professional and Organised Crime (2019)
Rosie Campbell
Articles by Rosie CampbellRosie Campbell is Professor of Politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership at King's College London.
Brendan Canavan
Articles by Brendan CanavanBrendan Canavan is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Huddersfield.
Leonardo Carella
Articles by Leonardo CarellaLeonardo Carella is a postdoctoral candidate at Mansfield College, Oxford.
Elisabeth Carter
Articles by Elisabeth CarterElisabeth Carter is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at Keele University.
Brian Cathcart
Articles by Brian CathcartBrian Cathcart is a journalist, academic and media campaigner. He is professor of journalism at Kingston University London and in 2011 was a founder of Hacked Off.
Karen Celis
Articles by Karen CelisKaren Celis is research professor at the Department of Political Science, and co-director Research of RHEA (Centre of Expertise Gender Diversity and Intersectionality) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Debadrita Chakraborty
Articles by Debadrita ChakrabortyDebadrita Chakraborty is a final year PhD student in Gender and Culture Studies at Cardiff University.
Darryl Chamberlain
Articles by Darryl ChamberlainDarryl Chamberlain is a journalist and editor based in south-east London.
Kailash Chand
Articles by Kailash ChandKailash Chand is honorary vice president of the British Medical Association (BMA) and has worked as a GP since 1983.
Sarah Charman
Articles by Sarah CharmanSarah Charman is a Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Portsmouth.
Sarah Childs
Articles by Sarah ChildsSarah Childs is Professor of Politics and Gender at Birkbeck College, University of London.
James Chin
Articles by James ChinJames Chin is Professor of Asian Studies, University of Tasmania.
Mehmet Ciftci
Articles by Mehmet CiftciMehmet Çiftçi is a writer and academic. He is the Public Bioethics Fellow at the Anscombe Centre in Oxford.
David Civil
Articles by David CivilDavid Civil is a PhD Student at the Department of History, University of Nottingham.
Harold D. Clarke
Articles by Harold D. ClarkeHarold D. Clarke is Ashbel Smith Professor, School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas.
Leonardo Clausi
Articles by Leonardo ClausiLeonardo Clausi is the correspondent in Britain of the Italian daily il manifesto.
Ben Clift
Articles by Ben CliftBen Clift is Professor of Political Economy in the department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. His research and teaching interests lie at the interface of comparative and international political economy.
John Coakley
Articles by John CoakleyJohn Coakley, MRIA, is Emeritus Professor of Politics at University College Dublin and a Fellow of the UCD Geary Institute.
Louise Cockram
Articles by Louise CockramLouise Cockram is a PhD Candidate and Researcher at the Department of Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
David Coen
Articles by David CoenDavid Coen is Professor of Public Policy, School of Public Policy, University College London.
Samuel Cohn
Articles by Samuel CohnSamuel Cohn is the author of Epidemics: Hate and Compassion from the Plague of Athens to AIDS and is at the University of Glasgow.
Alex Colas
Articles by Alex ColasAlex Colás is Professor of International Relations at Birkbeck College, University of London
Stephen Coleman
Articles by Stephen ColemanStephen Coleman is Professor of Political Communication, University of Leeds.
Barry Colfer
Articles by Barry ColferBarry Colfer is a Research Fellow at St Edmund's College and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge.
Sofia Collignon
Articles by Sofia CollignonSofia Collignon is Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London.
Michael Collins
Articles by Michael CollinsMichael Collins is Associate Professor of Modern British History, University College London.
Bob Collins
Articles by Bob CollinsBob Collins is a former Director-General of RTÉ and a former Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
Erica Consterdine
Articles by Erica ConsterdineDr Erica Consterdine is a Lecturer in Public Policy at Lancaster University.
Diana Coole
Articles by Diana CooleDiana Coole is Professor of Political and Social Theory at Birkbeck, University of London, and author of 'Should we control world population?' (Polity Press, 2018).
Luke Cooper
Articles by Luke CooperDr Luke Cooper is an academic in IR and Politics at the LSE and co-host of Another Europe podcast.
Christabel Cooper
Articles by Christabel CooperChristabel Cooper is a data analyst and Labour councillor in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Anna Coote
Articles by Anna CooteAnna Coote is Principal Fellow at the New Economics Foundation.
Penelope J. Corfield
Articles by Penelope J. Corfield -
Dan Corry
Articles by Dan CorryDan Corry is CEO of New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), a charity think tank and consultancy. He worked as an economist for Labour in opposition and then as a special adviser through most of the New Labour years, including as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers at the Treasury and head of the Number Ten Policy Unit and senior economist under Gordon Brown.
Steph Coulter
Articles by Steph CoulterSteph Coulter is a Research Assistant at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, who focuses primarily on constitutional and territorial politics in the UK.
Steve Coulter
Articles by Steve CoulterSteve Coulter was Head of Industrial Strategy and Skills at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, and a Visiting Fellow at the LSE. He is now Head of Economy at Green Alliance.
Tim Cowen
Articles by Tim CowenTim Cowen is competition law partner at Preiskel and Co. LLP. He acts for opponents of the GAFAM on competition law issues. He is also chair of a museum and gallery in the Lake District.
Dame Laura Cox
Articles by Dame Laura CoxDame Laura Cox is a former English High Court judge of the Queen's Bench Division, serving from 2002 until 2016.
Diane Coyle
Articles by Diane CoyleDiane Coyle is Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge and a former vice-chair of the BBC Trust.
Adam Crawford
Articles by Adam CrawfordAdam Crawford is Co-Director of the ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre, University of Leeds & University of York.
James Cronin
Articles by James CroninJames Cronin is a Professor of modern British and European history at Boston College.
Colin Crouch
Articles by Colin CrouchColin Crouch is a past editor, and past chair of the board, of The Political Quarterly. His most recent book is: Post-Democracy after the Crises (Polity Press, 2020).
Jon Cruddas
Articles by Jon CruddasJon Cruddas is the Labour MP for Barking and Dagenham.
Rowan Cruft
Articles by Rowan CruftRowan Cruft is a philosopher working on ethics, human rights, and the public sphere at the University of Stirling.
Jay Cullen
Articles by Jay CullenJay Cullen is Reader in Banking Law and Financial Regulation, Director of the Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law (SICCL), University of Sheffield School of Law.
Stephen Cushion
Articles by Stephen CushionStephen Cushion is a professor at Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture.
David Cutts
Articles by David CuttsDavid Cutts is Professor of Political Science at the University of Birmingham.
Thom Davies
Articles by Thom DaviesThom Davies is Associate Professor in Geography at the University of Nottingham.
Aled Davies
Articles by Aled DaviesAled Davies is Darby Fellow in Modern History at Lincoln College, University of Oxford.
Andrew Dawson
Articles by Andrew Dawson -
Abby Day
Articles by Abby DayAbby Day is Professor of Race, Faith & Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Jonathan Dean
Articles by Jonathan DeanJonathan Dean is Associate Professor in the School of Politics and International Studies at Leeds University.
Mary Dejevsky
Articles by Mary DejevskyMary Dejevsky is a columnist on foreign affairs for The Independent, and was previously its foreign correspondent in Moscow, Paris, and Washington
Maitrayee Deka
Articles by Maitrayee DekaMaitrayee Deka is an academic, poet and writer at the University of Essex.
Lucy Delap
Articles by Lucy DelapLucy Delap is a Reader in Modern British and Gender History at Cambridge University.
Fiona De Londras
Articles by Fiona De LondrasFiona de Londras is Professor of Global Legal Studies at Birmingham Law School.
Rebekah Delsol
Articles by Rebekah DelsolRebekah Delsol is Executive Co-Director at Healing Justice London.
John Denham
Articles by John DenhamJohn Denham is the former MP for Southampton, Itchen, 1992-2015. He was also Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government from 2009-10. He is now a Professorial Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Director of the Centre for English Identity & Politics, and Director of the English Labour Network.
James Dennison
Articles by James DennisonJames Dennison is a part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute and a Researcher at the Department of Sociology of the University of Stockholm.
Daniel Devine
Articles by Daniel DevineDaniel Devine is an ESRC PhD researcher at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton.
Patrick Diamond
Articles by Patrick DiamondPatrick Diamond is Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London.
Jennifer Dixon
Articles by Jennifer DixonDr Jennifer Dixon is Chief Executive of the Health Foundation.
Iain Docherty
Articles by Iain DochertyProfessor Iain Docherty is Dean for the Institute for Advanced Studies. He joined the University of Stirling in April 2019. Prior to this, he was Professor of Public Policy and Governance and Director of External Engagement at the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School.
Anita Dockley
Articles by Anita DockleyAnita Dockley is Research Director of the Howard League for Penal Reform.
Brian Doherty
Articles by Brian DohertyBrian Doherty is Professor of Political Sociology, Keele University.
Kate Dommett
Articles by Kate DommettKate Dommett is a Senior Lecturer in the Public Understanding of Politics at University of Sheffield.
Celia Donert
Articles by Celia DonertCelia Donert is a Professor of Contemporary European History at the University of Cambridge.
Peter Dorey
Articles by Peter DoreyPeter Dorey is Professor of British Politics at Cardiff University.
Danny Dorling
Articles by Danny DorlingDanny Dorling is a British social geographer and is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography of the School of Geography and the Environment of the University of Oxford.
Andrew Dorman
Articles by Andrew DormanProfessor Andrew Dorman is Professor of International Security at Kings College London.
Cosmina Dorobantu
Articles by Cosmina DorobantuCosmina Dorobantu is the Co-director of the Public Policy programme at The Alan Turing Institute.
Jörg Michael Dostal
Articles by Jörg Michael DostalJörg Michael Dostal is Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.
Pamela Dow
Articles by Pamela DowPamela Dow is a former senior civil servant now leading public service reform for Catch22.
Helen Drake
Articles by Helen DrakeHelen Drake is Director of the Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London.
David Draycott
Articles by David DraycottDavid Draycott is Secretary of the Moor Green Allotments and Leisure Gardens Association, one of the largest allotment sites in Birmingham.
Michael Drolet
Articles by Michael DroletMichael Drolet is Senior Research Fellow in the History of Political Thought, Worcester College, University of Oxford.
Geoff Dudley
Articles by Geoff DudleyGeoff Dudley is Visiting Research Associate in the Transport Studies Unit at the University of Oxford.
Koshka Duff
Articles by Koshka DuffKoshka Duff is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts, the University of Nottingham.
Alan Duggan
Articles by Alan DugganAlan Duggan is Research Fellow in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham.
John W. Dumbrell
Articles by John W. DumbrellJohn Dumbrell is Professor of Government at Durham University.
Grant Duncan
Articles by Grant DuncanGrant Duncan is a Visiting Scholar at City St George's, University of London. He is based in Auckland, New Zealand, and writes the Politics Happens newsletter on Substack.
Patrick Dunleavy
Articles by Patrick DunleavyPatrick Dunleavy is Emeritus Professor in Political Science and Public Policy at the London School of Economics.
Catherine Durose
Articles by Catherine DuroseCatherine Durose is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Liverpool.
David Edgerton
Articles by David EdgertonDavid Edgerton is Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology and Professor of Modern British History, Department of History, King’s College London.
Paul Edwards
Articles by Paul EdwardsPaul Edwards is Director of Clinical Services at Dementia UK.
Jason Edwards
Articles by Jason EdwardsJason Edwards is Lecturer in Politics and Programme Director BA Politics and Government at Birkbeck, University of London.
Ian C. Elliott
Articles by Ian C. ElliottIan C. Elliott is Senior Lecturer in Public Administration at the University of Glasgow.
David W. Ellwood
Articles by David W. EllwoodDavid W. Ellwood is at Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe, Bologna.
Ewald Engelen
Articles by Ewald EngelenEwald Engelen is a professor of financial geography at the University of Amsterdam, co authored After the Great Complacence and is involved in the foundational economy-project of Karel Williams and Julie Froud.
Máiréad Enright
Articles by Máiréad EnrightMáiréad Enright is Senior Lecturer in Law at Birmingham Law School and a founder of Lawyers for Choice, Ireland.
Elizabeth Evans
Articles by Elizabeth EvansElizabeth Evans is Professor of Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Southampton.
Adam Evans
Articles by Adam EvansAdam Evans is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University.
Geoffrey Evans
Articles by Geoffrey EvansAdam Evans is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University.
Tomos Evans
Articles by Tomos EvansTomos Evans is a PhD student at the University of Bath.
Tamirace Fakhoury
Articles by Tamirace FakhouryTamirace Fakhoury is an Associate Professor of Political Science and the director of the Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution at the Lebanese American University.
Conor Farrington
Articles by Conor FarringtonDr Conor Farrington is Head of Communications for SATAVIA, a Cambridge-based data analytics company focused on mitigating the climate impact of aviation.
Ilaria Favretto
Articles by Ilaria FavrettoIlaria Favretto is Professor of Contemporary European History at Kingston University.
Edmund Fawcett
Articles by Edmund FawcettEdmund Fawcett is author of Liberalism: The Life of an Idea (2nd 2018) and Conservatism: The Fight for a Tradition (2020).
Martina Feilzer
Articles by Martina FeilzerMartina Feilzer is a Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Bangor University.
David Feldman
Articles by David FeldmanDavid Feldman is professor of history and director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, School of Social Science, History and Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London.
Steven Fielding
Articles by Steven FieldingSteven Fielding is Professor of Political History at the University of Nottingham.
Alan Finlayson
Articles by Alan FinlaysonAlan Finlayson is a British political theorist and political scientist. He is Professor of Political and Social Theory at The University of East Anglia.
Daniel Finn
Articles by Daniel FinnDaniel Finn is Features Editor at Jacobin.
Esther Flanagan
Articles by Esther FlanaganEsther Flanagan is Behaviour Change Lead at the College of Policing.
Thomas G. Fleming
Articles by Thomas G. FlemingThomas Fleming is a Lecturer in British and Comparative Politics at the Constitution Unit, Department of Political Science and School of Public Policy, University College London.
Matthew Flinders
Articles by Matthew FlindersMatthew Flinders is Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the University of Sheffield.
Michael E Flynn
Articles by Michael E FlynnMichael Flynn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Kansas State University.
Freddy Foks
Articles by Freddy FoksFreddy Foks is Simon Fellow, University of Manchester.
Emily Foley
Articles by Emily FoleyEmily Foley is a Research Associate at Flinders University, South Australia.
James Foley
Articles by James FoleyJames Foley is Lecturer in Politics, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Robert Ford
Articles by Robert FordRobert Ford is Professor of Political Science and Senior Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe.
Vassilis Fouskas
Articles by Vassilis FouskasVassilis Fouskas is Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for the Study of States, Markets and People (STAMP) at the University of East London.
Ceri Fowler
Articles by Ceri FowlerCeri Fowler is Career Development Fellow in Comparative Politics at St Hilda's College, Oxford.
Martyn Frampton
Articles by Martyn FramptonMartyn Frampton is Professor of Modern History at Queen Mary University of London
Suzanne Franks
Articles by Suzanne FranksSuzanne Franks is Professor of Journalism at City, University of London and a former BBC TV
journalist. She has published widely on the history and development of broadcasting.
Michael Freeden
Articles by Michael FreedenMichael Freeden is Emeritus Professor of Politics at Oxford University and Professorial Fellow at Mansfield College
Julie Froud
Articles by Julie FroudJulie Froud is Professor at Manchester Business School, and has been a member of the Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC).
Jamie Furlong
Articles by Jamie FurlongJamie Furlong is Research Fellow in the School of Architecture and Cities at the University of Westminster.
Ivor Gaber
Articles by Ivor GaberIvor Gaber is Professor of Political Journalism at the University of Sussex. As a broadcast journalist he has worked for BBC TV and Radio, ITN, Channel Four and Sky News.
Niamh Gallagher
Articles by Niamh GallagherNiamh Gallagher is Associate Professor of Modern British and Irish History, University of Cambridge.
Andrew Gamble
Articles by Andrew GambleAndrew Gamble was Professor of Politics at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Queens' College. He was editor of the Political Quarterly.
Joseph Ganderson
Articles by Joseph GandersonJoseph Ganderson is a postdoctoral researcher at the European Institute, London School of Economics.
Laura Gardiner
Articles by Laura GardinerLaura Gardiner is Research Director of the Resolution Foundation.
Jessica Garland
Articles by Jessica GarlandJessica Garland is Director of Policy and Research, Electoral Reform Society.
Nick Garland
Articles by Nick GarlandNick Garland is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford.
Mark Garnett
Articles by Mark GarnettDr Mark Garnett is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University.
Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni
Articles by Kira Gartzou-KatsouyanniKira Gartzou-Katsouyanni is a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford.
Jen Gaskell
Articles by Jen GaskellDr Jennifer Gaskell is a Research Fellow at the TrustGov Project at the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton.
Andrew Geddes
Articles by Andrew GeddesAndrew Geddes is Professor of Migration Studies and the Director of the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute.
Paolo Gerbaudo
Articles by Paolo GerbaudoPaolo Gerbaudo is a Reader in Digital Politics at King’s College, London.
Tasneem Ghazi
Articles by Tasneem GhaziTasneem Ghazi is a PhD student at the UCL Faculty of Laws. In 2022, she worked part-time as a research assistant at the Constitution Unit.
Georgios Giannakopoulos
Articles by Georgios GiannakopoulosGeorgios Giannakopoulos is a Junior Research Fellow at Durham University.
Eve Gianoncelli
Articles by Eve GianoncelliEve Gianoncelli is a postdoctoral fellow at Sciences Po/CEVIPOF and an affiliated researcher at the Maison Française d'Oxford.
Ewan Gibbs
Articles by Ewan GibbsEwan Gibbs is lecturer in Economic and Social History in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow.
Ben Gidley
Articles by Ben GidleyBen Gidley is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London.
Jeremy Gilbert
Articles by Jeremy GilbertJeremy Gilbert is Professor of Cultural and Political Theory at the University of East London.
Arianna Giovannini
Articles by Arianna GiovanniniArianna Giovannini is Senior Lecturer in Local Politics at the Department of Politics and Public Policy, De Montfort University, Leicester.
John Gittings
Articles by John GittingsJohn Gittings worked for many years as the Guardian's foreign leader-writer and China specialist. He has also written extensively on cold war politics and is a research associate at SOAS Centre for Chinese Studies.
Elaine Glaser
Articles by Elaine GlaserEliane Glaser is a senior lecturer at Bath Spa University, an associate research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London, and a BBC radio producer.
Andrew Glencross
Articles by Andrew GlencrossAndrew Glencross is at ESPOL, Catholic University of Lille.
Eunice Goes
Articles by Eunice GoesEunice Goes is Professor of Politics at Richmond University.
Rebecca Goldsmith
Articles by Rebecca GoldsmithRebecca Goldsmith is a PhD student, researching ‘The making of “Labour's working class” 1931–1951’ at the University of Cambridge, funded by the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP.
John. H Goldthorpe
Articles by John. H GoldthorpeJohn Goldthorpe is an Official Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford University, member of the British Academy, and author of several books on social mobility and social class.
William Goodhind
Articles by William GoodhindWilliam Goodhind is a political analyst, activist and former civil servant.
Cathy Gormley-Heenan
Articles by Cathy Gormley-HeenanCathy Gormley-Heenan is a Professor of Politics at Ulster University.
Hannah Graham
Articles by Hannah GrahamHannah Graham is a criminologist and academic at the University of Stirling.
Françoise Granoulhac
Articles by Françoise GranoulhacFrançoise Granoulhac is Senior Lecturer in British Studies at University of Grenoble Alpes.
Wyn Grant
Articles by Wyn GrantWyn Grant is Reports and Surveys Editor at the Political Quarterly. He is also a Professor of Politics at the University of Warwick.
Helen Grant
Articles by Helen GrantHelen Grant is the Member of Parliament for Maidstone and The Weald.
Caroline Gray
Articles by Caroline GrayCaroline Gray is a Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Aston University in Birmingham.
Kai Roland Green
Articles by Kai Roland GreenKai Roland Green is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Jane Green
Articles by Jane GreenJane Green is Professor of Political Science and British Politics at Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
Chris Grey
Articles by Chris GreyChris Grey is Professor Emeritus of Organization Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London and the author of Brexit Unfolded: How no one got what they wanted (and why they were never going to).
Pablo Grez Hidalgo
Articles by Pablo Grez HidalgoPablo Grez Hidalgo is a Research Fellow at the Covid-19 Review Observatory.
Thomas Guiney
Articles by Thomas GuineyThomas Guiney is Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of Nottingham.
Daphne Halikiopoulou
Articles by Daphne HalikiopoulouDr Daphne Halikiopoulou is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Reading.
Sarah Hall
Articles by Sarah HallSarah Hall is Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Nottingham, and Senior Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe.
Max Halupka
Articles by Max HalupkaDr Max Halupka is at the Institute for Governance & Policy Analysis, University of Canberra.
James Hampshire
Articles by James HampshireJames Hampshire is a Professor of Politics at the University of Sussex, and the Deputy Editor of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. He is currently researching how models of post-Fordist capitalism shape immigration policy.
Chris Hanretty
Articles by Chris HanrettyChris Hanretty is Professor of Politics at Royal Holloway, University of London
Randall Hansen
Articles by Randall HansenRandall Hansen is the Canada Research Chair in Global Migration and Director of the Global Migration Lab at the University of Toronto.
Natacha Harding
Articles by Natacha HardingNatacha Harding is Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Winchester.
Carolyn S. Harris
Articles by Carolyn S. HarrisCarolyn S. Harris is an historian, author, royal commentator and instructor in history at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies.
Colin Haslam
Articles by Colin HaslamColin Haslam is Professor of Accounting and Business Strategy and Associate Director of the School of Management at Royal Holloway College, University of London.
Gerry Hassan
Articles by Gerry HassanGerry Hassan is Professor of Social Change at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Mark Hayhurst
Articles by Mark HayhurstMark Hayhurst, the screenwriter of 37 Days, is a freelance dramatist who has extensive credits for both television and the stage.
Katy Hayward
Articles by Katy HaywardKaty Hayward is Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast and a Senior Fellow of the ESRC-funded UK in a Changing Europe initiative.
Robert Hazell
Articles by Robert HazellRobert Hazell is a former civil servant and Professor of Government and the Constitution at UCL. He now focuses solely on research. In 2006 he was awarded the CBE for his services to constitutional reform.
Oliver Heath
Articles by Oliver HeathOliver Heath is Professor of Politics at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Deirdre Heenan
Articles by Deirdre HeenanDeirdre Heenan is a Professor of Social Policy at Ulster University.
Andrew Henley
Articles by Andrew Henley -
Cameron Rhys Herbert
Articles by Cameron Rhys HerbertCameron Rhys Herbert is a doctoral student at the University of Cambridge, working on the history of trade unions in British politics.
Tony Heron
Articles by Tony HeronTony Heron is Professor of International Political Economy at the University of York and Parliamentary Academic Fellow to the UK House of Commons International Trade Committee.
Graeme Heyes
Articles by Graeme HeyesGraeme Hayes is a Reader in Political Sociology, Aston University.
Michael Higgins
Articles by Michael HigginsMichael Higgins is Programme Leader in Media and Communications at the University of Strathclyde.
Adrian Hilton
Articles by Adrian HiltonAdrian Hilton is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Buckingham, and Chair of the Academic Council of The Margaret Thatcher Centre.
Isabel Hilton
Articles by Isabel HiltonIsabel Hilton is a London based writer and broadcaster, founder of China Dialogue and a contributing editor at Prospect Magazine.
Andy Hindmoor
Articles by Andy HindmoorAndrew Hindmoor is Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield.
Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Articles by Geoffrey M. HodgsonGeoffrey M. Hodgson is Emeritus Professor in Management at the London campus of Loughborough University.
Paddy Hoey
Articles by Paddy HoeyPaddy Hoey is a Senior Lecturer in Media Culture and Communication at Liverpool John Moores University.
Katrin Hohl
Articles by Katrin HohlKatrin Hohl is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at City, University of London and the Independent Advisor to the UK government on the rape review.
Ijin Hong
Articles by Ijin HongIjin Hong is Research Professor at the Institute for Welfare State Research, Seoul, South Korea.
Geoffrey Hosking
Articles by Geoffrey HoskingGeoffrey Hosking is Emeritus Professor of Russian History, University College London.
Jennifer Hudson
Articles by Jennifer HudsonJennifer Hudson is Professor of Political Behaviour at University College London.
Rosaleen Hughes
Articles by Rosaleen HughesRosaleen Hughes is a former BBC TV producer and a member of the British Broadcasting Challenge.
Jacquie Hughes
Articles by Jacquie HughesJacquie Hughes is Director of the Department of Media and Creative Expression, NEOM.
Rupa Huq
Articles by Rupa HuqRupa Asha Huq is a British Labour Party politician, columnist and academic.
Jo Ingold
Articles by Jo IngoldJo Ingold is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Deakin Business School.
Abby Innes
Articles by Abby InnesAbby Innes is Associate Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute, London School of Economics.
Abby Innes
Articles by Abby InnesAbby Innes is Associate Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute, London School of Economics.
Martin Innes
Articles by Martin InnesProfessor Martin Innes is Director of the Crime and Security Research Institute, and Director of the Universities' Police Science Institute, Cardiff University.
Joanna Innes
Articles by Joanna InnesJoanna Innes is Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Oxford and a Senior Research Fellow of Somerville College, Oxford.
Arshad Isakjee
Articles by Arshad IsakjeeArshad Isakjee is Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University of Liverpool.
Ben Jackson
Articles by Ben JacksonBen Jackson is Co-Editor of the Political Quarterly journal. He is also Professor of Modern History at Oxford University.
Jonathan Jackson
Articles by Jonathan JacksonJonathan Jackson is Professor of Methodology at the London School of Economics & Political Science. He is an Honorary Professor of Criminology at the University of Sydney Law School and an Affiliated Scholar in the Justice Collaboratory of Yale Law School.
Michael Jacobs
Articles by Michael JacobsMichael Jacobs is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Sheffield and co-presenter of the SPERI Presents podcast ‘Lessons in Power: What can the new Labour government learn from the last one?’
Helen Jay
Articles by Helen JayHelen Jay is an AHRC-funded doctoral candidate in the Media and Communications Department at the University of Westminster. Alongside her PhD, she acts as an external expert, lecturer and adviser on media and communications policy.
David Jeffery
Articles by David JefferyDavid Jeffery is a Senior Lecturer in British Politics at the University of Liverpool. He is currently writing a textbook on local government, titled Understanding UK Local Government. His most recent book is Whatever Happened to Tory Liverpool? published by Liverpool University Press in 2023.
Lyndsey Jenkins
Articles by Lyndsey JenkinsLyndsey Jenkins is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at Queen Mary University of London.
Will Jennings
Articles by Will JenningsWill Jennings is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Southampton.
Joseph J. Himsworth
Articles by Joseph J. Himsworth -
Sukhdev Johal
Articles by Sukhdev JohalSukhdev Johal is Chair in Accounting & Strategy at Queen Mary University of London.
Catherine Johnson
Articles by Catherine JohnsonCatherine Johnson is a Professor of Media and Communication and Director of Impact for the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds.
Richard Johnson
Articles by Richard JohnsonRichard Johnson is Senior Lecturer in US Politics and Policy at Queen Mary, University of London.
Shane D Johnson
Articles by Shane D JohnsonShane D Johnson MBE is a Professor of Future Crimes, Dawes Centre for Future Crime, Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London.
Nicholas Jones
Articles by Nicholas JonesNicholas Jones has spent forty years chronicling the news media’s relationship with politicians, trade union leaders and other prominent people.
Katy Jones
Articles by Katy JonesKaty Jones is a Research Fellow in the Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Morgan Jones
Articles by Morgan JonesMorgan Jones is a contributing editor for Renewal.
Gabriel Josipovici
Articles by Gabriel JosipoviciGabriel David Josipovici FBA FRSL is a British novelist, short story writer, critic, literary theorist, and playwright.
David Judge
Articles by David JudgeDavid Judge is Emeritus Professor of Politics, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Habib Kadiri
Articles by Habib KadiriHabib Kadiri is Executive Director for StopWatch.
Michał Kalecki
Articles by Michał KaleckiMichał Kalecki was a Polish Marxian economist (22 June 1899 – 18 April 1970). He is widely regarded as one of the leading theorists in the Post-Keynesian tradition.
Olli Kangas
Articles by Olli KangasOlli Kangas is Director of Government and Community Relations, and Professor at Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland).
Alexander Katsaitis
Articles by Alexander KatsaitisAlexander Katsaitis is Fellow in Public Policy and Administration, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Giorgos Katsambekis
Articles by Giorgos KatsambekisGiorgos Katsambekis is lecturer in European and International Politics at Loughborough University.
Eric Kaufmann
Articles by Eric KaufmannEric Kaufmann is Professor of Politics at Birkbeck, University of London and author of Whiteshift (Penguin, 2018).
Michael Keating
Articles by Michael KeatingMichael Keating is Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of Aberdeen.
Matthew Kelly
Articles by Matthew KellyMatthew Kelly is Professor of Modern History in the Department of Humanities, Northumbria University.
Gavin Kelly
Articles by Gavin KellyGavin Kelly is Chair of the Resolution Foundation. He is also a member of the Political Quarterly editorial board.
Conor J. Kelly
Articles by Conor J. KellyConor J. Kelly is a PhD student at Birkbeck College, University of London and a Research Assistant at the Constitution Unit at University College London.
Tom Kemp
Articles by Tom KempTom Kemp is a Lecturer at Nottingham Law School, the University of Nottingham.
Michael Kenny
Articles by Michael KennyMichael Kenny is Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge.
Ewan Kerr
Articles by Ewan KerrEwan Kerr is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Environmental Politics at the University of Edinburgh.
Javadbay Khalilzada
Articles by Javadbay KhalilzadaJavadbay Khalilzada is a Ph.D. Candidate and Teaching Instructor at the Department of Political Science at Kent State University, Ohio .
Anna Killick
Articles by Anna KillickAnna Killick is Collections Editor at the Political Quarterly. She is also a Research Fellow working on perceptions of the economy at University College London.
Seongcheol Kim
Articles by Seongcheol KimSeongcheol Kim is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen, Germany.
William Kingston
Articles by William Kingston -
Emma Kinloch
Articles by Emma KinlochEmma Kinloch is a Research and Projects Associate at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.
Sean Kippin
Articles by Sean KippinSean Kippin is Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Stirling.
David Klemperer
Articles by David KlempererSchool of History, Queen Mary University of London
Kit Kowol
Articles by Kit KowolKit Kowol is an independent scholar.
Richard Kuper
Articles by Richard KuperRichard Kuper is the web editor for Jewish Voice for Labour
Caroline Kuzemko
Articles by Caroline KuzemkoCaroline Kuzemko is an Associate Professor in International Political Economy at the University of Warwick, and the author of The Energy Security-Climate Nexus: Institutional Change in the UK and Beyond, 2013.
Soon-Mee Kwon
Articles by Soon-Mee KwonSoon-Mee Kwon is Professor at the Employment and Labor Training Institute, Gwangju-si (Kyeonggi-do), South Korea.
Arabella Kyprianides
Articles by Arabella KyprianidesArabella Kyprianides is a Research Fellow, and a member of the Centre for Global City Policing at University College London (UCL).
Philippe Lagassé
Articles by Philippe LagasséPhilippe Lagassé is Associate Professor and Barton Chair, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University.
Caroline Marie Lancaster
Articles by Caroline Marie LancasterCaroline Marie Lancaster is a PhD student in political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States).
Tess Lanning
Articles by Tess LanningTess Lanning is the Strategic Head of Inclusive Economy, Employment and Skills in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
Stewart Lansley
Articles by Stewart LansleyStewart Lansley is a visiting fellow at the University of Bristol and has written widely on wealth, inequality and poverty. His latest book is Policy Press | The Richer, The Poorer - How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. A 200-Year History.
Rachel Laurence
Articles by Rachel LaurenceRachel Laurence is the incoming Deputy Chief Executive of Centre for Thriving Places and former Head of Enterprise and Employment Strategy in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
Mathew Lawrence
Articles by Mathew LawrenceMathew Lawrence is a senior research fellow at IPPR.
James Leibold
Articles by James Leibold -
Mona Lena Krook
Articles by Mona Lena KrookMona Lena Krook is Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University, and an Andrew Carnegie Fellow (2017-2019).
Dick Leonard
Articles by Dick LeonardDick Leonard is a journalist, and author and former Labour MP.
Maxime Lepoutre
Articles by Maxime LepoutreDr Maxime Lepoutre is a Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Reading.
Alexandre Leskanich
Articles by Alexandre LeskanichAlexandre Leskanich's book on the Anthropocene will be published by Routledge.
Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky
Articles by Celia Lessa KerstenetzkyCelia Lessa Kerstenetzky is Professor of Social Policy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her research was funded by a CAPES grant [#88881.337220/2019-01].
Liam Liburd
Articles by Liam LiburdLiam Liburd is the Assistant Professor of Black British History at Durham University.
Andrew Liddle
Articles by Andrew LiddleAndrew Liddle is a Scottish journalist and political commentator. He is the author of two books on Scottish history and politics, the award-winning Cheers, Mr. Churchill! Winston in Scotland and Ruth Davidson and the Resurgence of the Scottish Tories.
David Lidington
Articles by David LidingtonDavid Lidington has served as Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Chancellor and Minister for the Cabinet Office, in which capacity he was deputy to the Prime Minister and responsible for constitutional affairs and devolution.
Simon Lightfoot
Articles by Simon LightfootSimon Lightfoot is Senior Lecturer in European Politics at the University of Leeds.
Daniella Lock
Articles by Daniella LockDaniella Lock is a Lecturer in Law at Kings College London.
Gareth Locksley
Articles by Gareth Locksley -
Bethan Loftus
Articles by Bethan LoftusBethan Loftus is a Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Bangor University.
Sarah Longlands
Articles by Sarah LonglandsSarah Longlands is Chief Executive, Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES).
Joni Lovenduski
Articles by Joni LovenduskiJoni Lovenduski is Chair of the Political Quarterly Editorial Board. She is also Professor Emerita at Birkbeck College, University of London and Visiting Professor at Kings College London.
David Loyn
Articles by David LoynDavid Loyn is an author, journalist and analyst who specialises in Afghanistan, South Asia and imperial history. He is on an advisory panel to the FCDO on South Asia policy and was previously a BBC correspondent for over three decades.
Deborah Mabbett
Articles by Deborah MabbettDeborah Mabbett is Co-Editor of the Political Quarterly journal. She is also Professor of Public Policy at Birkbeck, University of London.
Frank MacDermot
Articles by Frank MacDermot -
Iain Maclean
Articles by Iain MacleanIan Maclean is Professor of Politics at Oxford University and a Fellow of Nuffield College.
Anna Maguire
Articles by Anna MaguireAnna Maguire is lecturer in Public History at University College London.
Kieran Maguire
Articles by Kieran MaguireKieran Maguire lectures on the Liverpool University Football Industries MBA course and co-hosts the podcast The Price of Football with comedian Kevin Day as well as having authored the book of the same name that seeks to demystify the unusual world of football finance.
Bice Maiguashca
Articles by Bice MaiguashcaBice Maiguashca is Associate Professor in the Politics Department at Exeter University.
Rob Manwaring
Articles by Rob ManwaringRob Manwaring is an Associate Professor at Flinders University, South Australia.
Helen Margetts
Articles by Helen MargettsHelen Margetts is is Professor of Internet and Society at the University of Oxford.
Philippe Marlière
Articles by Philippe MarlièrePhilippe Marlière has been a professor of French and European Politics at University College London since 1994. He was a Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) between 1989 and 1994.
David Marsh
Articles by David MarshDavid Marsh is at the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra.
Ian Marsh
Articles by Ian MarshIan Marsh is Visiting Professor at University of Technology Sydney Business School.
Steve Martin
Articles by Steve MartinSteve Martin is Professor of Public Policy and Management at the University of Cardiff
Dan Martin
Articles by Dan MartinDan Martin is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leeds.
Carla Martinez Machain
Articles by Carla Martinez MachainCarla Martinez Machain is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kansas State University.
Joseph Maslen
Articles by Joseph MaslenDr Joseph Maslen is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Education & Policy Analysis at Liverpool Hope University.
Alan Matthews
Articles by Alan MatthewsAlan Matthews is Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy at the University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland.
Emma Mawdsley
Articles by Emma MawdsleyEmma Mawdsley is Reader in Human Geography and Fellow of Newnham College, University of Cambridge.
Lucy Mayblin
Articles by Lucy MayblinLucy Mayblin is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sheffield.
Helen McCarthy
Articles by Helen McCarthyHelen McCarthy is a Professor of Modern and Contemporary British History at the University of Cambridge.
Gerry McCartney
Articles by Gerry McCartneyGerry McCartney is professor of Wellbeing Economy in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow.
John McCormick
Articles by John McCormickJohn McCormick is Professor of Political Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
David Mccrone
Articles by David MccroneDavid McCrone is Emeritus Professor of Sociology, and co-founder of the University of Edinburgh's Institute of Governance in 1999.
David McCrone
Articles by David McCroneDavid McCrone is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Edinburgh.
Nicola Mcewen
Articles by Nicola McewenNicola McEwen, FRSE is professor of territorial politics at the University of Edinburgh, co-director of the Centre on Constitutional Change, and senior fellow at the UK in a Changing Europe.
John McGarry
Articles by John McGarry -
Brendan McGeever
Articles by Brendan McGeeverBrendan McGeever is a Lecturer in the Sociology of Racialization and Antisemitism in the Department of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London.
Sean Mcglynn
Articles by Sean McglynnSean McGlynn is Lecturer in History at the University of Plymouth. His latest book is Robin Hood: A True Legend.
Stuart Mcintyre
Articles by Stuart Mcintyre -
Lawrence McKay
Articles by Lawrence McKayDr. Lawrence McKay is a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow based in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Southampton.
Rebecca McKee
Articles by Rebecca McKeeRebecca McKee is a Research Associate, Citizens' Assembly on Brexit, the Constitution Unit.
Ross Mckibbin
Articles by Ross MckibbinRoss McKibbin is a political, social and economic historian at St John's College, Oxford.
James Meadway
Articles by James MeadwayJames Medway was economic advisor to Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, 2015–18.
Jamie Medhurst
Articles by Jamie MedhurstJamie Medhurst is Professor of Film and Media at Aberystwyth University and Co-Director of the Aberystwyth Centre for Media History.
Ben Meggitt
Articles by Ben MeggittBen Meggitt was a Senior Policy Advisor in the UK Civil Service, and is now a trainee solicitor.
Weeda Mehran
Articles by Weeda MehranDr Weeda Mehran is a lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Department of Politics and the Director of MA in Conflict, Security and Development at the University of Exeter.
Jo Michell
Articles by Jo MichellJo Michell is Associate Professor in Economics at UWE Bristol.
Alex Middleton
Articles by Alex MiddletonAlex Middleton is Fellow and Lecturer in Modern History, St Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
Nikola Mikovic
Articles by Nikola MikovicNikola Mikovic is a freelance journalist and political analyst based in Serbia who has written for Tsarizm, Weekly Blitz, Global Comment and more.
Branko Milanovic
Articles by Branko MilanovicBranko Milanovic is an economist and senior scholar at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality.
Caitlin Milazzo
Articles by Caitlin MilazzoCaitlin Milazzo is Professor of Politics in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham.
Tom Mills
Articles by Tom MillsTom Mills is a lecturer in sociology at Aston University.
Marta Miori
Articles by Marta MioriMarta Miori is a doctoral student in the Department of Politics at the University of Manchester.
James Mitchell
Articles by James Mitchell -
Tariq Modood
Articles by Tariq ModoodTariq Modood is Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy at the University of Bristol.
Simon Mohun
Articles by Simon MohunSimon Mohun is professor of political economy at Queen Mary University of London.
Tom Montgomery
Articles by Tom MontgomeryTom Montgomery is Lecturer in Work and Organisations, University of Stirling.
Martin Moore
Articles by Martin MooreMartin Moore is a Senior Lecturer in Political Communication Education, and Director of the Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power at King’s College London.
Michael Moran
Articles by Michael MoranMichael Moran is Emeritus Professor of Government at the University of Manchester.
Kevin Morgan
Articles by Kevin MorganKevin Morgan is Professor of Governance and Development at Cardiff University.
Janice Morphet
Articles by Janice MorphetJanice Morphet is Visiting Professor at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL.
Bob Morris
Articles by Bob MorrisBob Morris is a Home Office career civil servant currently working with Professor Robert Hazell on a monarchy project focused on the condition of the European monarchies.
Camino Mortera-Martinez
Articles by Camino Mortera-MartinezCamino Mortera-Martinez is head of the Brussels office at the Centre for European Reform.
Rick Muir
Articles by Rick MuirRick Muir is Director of the Police Foundation.
Richard Mullender
Articles by Richard Mullender -
Mary C. Murphy
Articles by Mary C. MurphyMary C. Murphy is a Jean Monnet Professor and Senior Lecturer in Politics at University College Cork, Ireland
Colm Murphy
Articles by Colm MurphyColm Murphy Collections Co-Editor at the Political Quarterly. He is Lecturer in British Politics at Queen Mary University of London.
Asma Mustafa
Articles by Asma MustafaAsma Mustafa is the Salahuddin Abdul Jawad Research Fellow in the Study of Muslims in Britain, and is Senior Research Fellow at Linacre College, Oxford.
Balsam Mustafa
Articles by Balsam MustafaBalsam Mustafa is a doctoral researcher in Modern Languages (Translation) at the University of Birmingham.
Sanjit Nagi
Articles by Sanjit NagiSanjit Nagi is a PhD researcher at SOAS, University of London researching at the intersection of constitutional law, rights, and Labour Party history.
Ken Newton
Articles by Ken NewtonKen Newton is Emeritus Professor at the University of Southampton. His most recent book is Real News About the News (Cambridge University Press 2024) and his next book about political trust (Edward Elgar) is due for publication later this year.
Siân Nicholas
Articles by Siân NicholasSiân Nicholas is Professor of Modern British History at Aberystwyth University and co-founder (with Tom O’Malley) and Co-Director of the Aberystwyth Centre for Media History.
Fay Niker
Articles by Fay NikerFay Niker is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Stirling.
Barbara Norman
Articles by Barbara NormanProfessor Barbara Norman is Director of Canberra Urban & Regional Futures (CURF), University of Canberra, Australia.
Pippa Norris
Articles by Pippa NorrisPippa Norris is the Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Harvard University.
Nick O'Brien
Articles by Nick O'BrienNick O’Brien is Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool.
Conor O'Clery
Articles by Conor O'Clery -
Chris Ogden
Articles by Chris OgdenChris Ogden is Associate Professor in Asian Affairs in the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. His latest book is The Authoritarian Century: China’s Rise and the Demise of the Liberal International Order (Bristol University Press, 2022). https://chris-ogden.org/
Glen O'Hara
Articles by Glen O'HaraGlen O'Hara is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Oxford Brookes University.
Patrick O'Hare
Articles by Patrick O'HareDr Patrick O'Hare is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow (FLF) in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews.
Brendan O'Leary
Articles by Brendan O'Leary -
Timothy J. Oliver
Articles by Timothy J. OliverTimothy J. Oliver is a lecturer in British Politics at the University of Manchester.
Chris Ó Rálaigh
Articles by Chris Ó RálaighChris Ó Rálaigh is a lecturer at Technological University Dublin and teaches and writes in politics, sociology and social policy.
Adrian Pabst
Articles by Adrian PabstAdrian Pabst is Reader in Politics at the University of Kent and co-author of The Politics of Virtue: Post-liberalism and the Human Future.
Christina Pagel
Articles by Christina PagelChristina Pagel is Professor of Operational Research in Health Care at UCL.
Elfi Pallis
Articles by Elfi PallisElfi Pallis is a journalist, author and former editor of the Israeli Mirror.
Dale Pankhurst
Articles by Dale PankhurstDale Pankhurst is a PhD Candidate, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen's University Belfast. He is also a DUP Belfast City Councillor.
Connal Par
Articles by Connal ParConnal Par is Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow in the Humanities, Northumbria University.
Jonathan Parker
Articles by Jonathan ParkerJonathan Parker is a political scientist focusing on regionalism, nationalism and Spanish politics. He holds a PhD from the University of Sussex and his work has been published in the Financial Times and Nationalities Papers.
Helen Parr
Articles by Helen ParrHelen Parr is a Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Keele.
Vic Parsons
Articles by Vic ParsonsVic Parsons is a sub-editor at The Pool.
Gianfranco Pasquino
Articles by Gianfranco PasquinoGianfranco Pasquino is an Italian political scientist. Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Bologna and Senior Adjunct Professor at SAIS-Europe.
Lindsay Paterson
Articles by Lindsay PatersonLindsay Paterson is Professor Emeritus of Education Policy at the University of Edinburgh.
Charles Pattie
Articles by Charles PattieCharles Pattie is a Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield.
Nick Pearce
Articles by Nick PearceNick Pearce is Director of the Institute of Policy Research, and Professor of Public Policy at the University of Bath. He previously served as the Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research.
Mitya Pearson
Articles by Mitya PearsonMitya is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, conducting a project examining UK government decision-making on climate change since 2008. Mitya is Assistant Professor in the Politics of Climate Change.
Anya Pearson
Articles by Anya PearsonAnya Pearson is Digital Editor at the Political Quarterly and co-editor of our blog.
Sarah Pedersen
Articles by Sarah PedersenSarah Pedersen is Professor of Communication and Media at Robert Gordon University. Her book, The Politicization of Mumsnet, was published by Emerald Publishing in 2020.
Gillian Peele
Articles by Gillian PeeleGillian Peele is an Emeritus Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and an Emeritus Associate Professor of Politics at the University of Oxford.
Thanos Petouris
Articles by Thanos PetourisThanos Petouris is doctoral student at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London and Researcher on contemporary Yemeni politics at the University of Sussex.
Malcolm Petrie
Articles by Malcolm PetrieMalcolm Petrie is Senior Lecturer in Late Modern Scottish History at the University of St Andrews.
Jim Phillips
Articles by Jim PhillipsJim Phillips is professor of Economic and Social History in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow.
Anne Phillips
Articles by Anne PhillipsAnne Phillips is the Graham Wallas Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics. She was previously Director of the LSE Gender Institute.
Karl Pike
Articles by Karl PikeKarl Pike is a ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Queen Mary University of London.
Kerry Pimblott
Articles by Kerry PimblottKerry Pimblott is a Lecturer in International History at the University of Manchester.
Paulo S. Pinheiro
Articles by Paulo S. PinheiroPaulo S. Pinheiro served as Secretary of State for Human Rights under President Cardoso and he has been Chairman of the UN International Commission of Inquiry for Syria since 2011.
Frederick Harry Pitts
Articles by Frederick Harry PittsFrederick Harry Pitts is Lecturer in Work, Employment, Organisation & Public Policy at the University of Bristol School of Management.
Ilaria Poggiolini
Articles by Ilaria PoggioliniIlaria Poggiolini is a Professor of International History, a member of the teaching staff of the Doctorate Program in History at the University of Pavia.
Allyson Pollock
Articles by Allyson PollockAllyson Pollock is an academic, public health doctor, & leading authority on PFI and the implications of market mechanisms and privatisation of public services.
Jonathan Portes
Articles by Jonathan PortesJonathan Portes is Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Department of Political Economy, King's College London.
Dick Pountain
Articles by Dick PountainDick Pountain was editor of the UK's first PC magazine, Personal Computer World, and then managing editor of the software magazine Soft.
Martin Powell
Articles by Martin PowellMartin Powell is Professor of Health and Social Policy at the University of Birmingham.
Chris Poyner
Articles by Chris PoynerChris Poyner is a Research Associate at the Salford Institute for Dementia and a PhD Candidate at the University of Stirling.
Royal Holloway Group PR3710
Articles by Royal Holloway Group PR3710Royal Holloway Group PR3710 were a group of staff and undergraduate students at Royal Holloway, University of London, led by Professor Nicholas Allen, Professor of Politics, and comprising John Abbott, Bilan Cali, Isaac Crosby, Amanpreet Dhami, Tom Donnelly, Harry Footman, Aleena Khan, Meera Saravanan, Tom Simpson, Aaron Sterlin, Kia Tomczak-John, Alfie Vines and Theo Williams.
Marina Prentoulis
Articles by Marina PrentoulisMarina Prentoulis is Senior Lecturer in Politics and Media, University of East Anglia, and spokesperson for Another Europe is Possible.
Christopher Prosser
Articles by Christopher ProsserChristopher Prosser is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Charlotte Proudman
Articles by Charlotte ProudmanDr Charlotte Proudman is an award-winning barrister at Goldsmith Chambers and a Junior Research Fellow at Queens' College, Cambridge in law and sociology.
Bert Provan
Articles by Bert ProvanBert Provan is a Researcher and Knowledge Broker at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Tom Quinn
Articles by Tom QuinnTom Quinn is Senior Lecturer in Government, University of Essex.
Paul Quinton
Articles by Paul QuintonPaul Quinton is an Evidence and Evaluation Advisor at the College of Policing.
Matt Qvortrup
Articles by Matt QvortrupProfessor Matt Qvortrup is Chair of Political Science at Coventry University and the author of Referendums and Ethnic Conflict and Referendums Around the World.
Sandeep Ranote
Articles by Sandeep RanoteSandeep Ranote is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Nora Räthzel
Articles by Nora RäthzelNora Räthzel is a Senior Professor at the Department of Sociology, Umeå University. She lives in Catalonia.
Diane Reay
Articles by Diane ReayProfessor Diane Reay is based at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Rachel Reeves
Articles by Rachel ReevesRachel Reeves is the Labour Member of Parliament for Leeds West.
Stefanie Reher
Articles by Stefanie ReherStefanie Reher is Reader in Political Science at the Department of Government and Public Policy at the University of Strathclyde.
David Renton
Articles by David Renton -
Alan Renwick
Articles by Alan RenwickAlan Renwick is a political scientist and Deputy Director of the UCL Constitution Unit.
Lindsay Richards
Articles by Lindsay RichardsLindsay Richards is a sociologist based at the Centre for Social Investigation, Nuffield College, Oxford.
David Richards
Articles by David RichardsDavid Richards is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Manchester.
Jeremy Richardson
Articles by Jeremy RichardsonJeremy Richardson is an Emeritus Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Liz Richardson
Articles by Liz RichardsonLiz Richardson is Professor of Public Administration at the University of Manchester.
Neale Richmond
Articles by Neale RichmondNeale Richmond is an Irish Fine Gael politician who has been a Teachta Dála for the Dublin Rathdown constituency since the 2020 general election.
Lesley Riddoch
Articles by Lesley RiddochLesley Riddoch is an award-winning broadcaster, journalist, author, cyclist, land reform campaigner
Charlotte Lydia Riley
Articles by Charlotte Lydia RileyDr Charlotte Riley is a Lecturer in Twentieth-Century British History at the University of Southampton.
Geoffrey Roberts
Articles by Geoffrey RobertsProfessor Geoffrey Roberts is a recognised world authority on Stalin, the Second World War, and the history of Soviet military and foreign policy. He is a Professor of History at University College Cork.
Emily Robinson
Articles by Emily RobinsonEmily Robinson is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sussex.
Philip Rocco
Articles by Philip RoccoPhilip Rocco is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Marquette University.
Gerald Roche
Articles by Gerald Roche -
Andrew S. Roe-Crines
Articles by Andrew S. Roe-CrinesAndrew S. Roe-Crines is Senior Lecturer in British Politics at the University of Liverpool.
Graeme Roy
Articles by Graeme RoyGraeme Roy is Professor of Economics and Dean of External Engagement, College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow.
Wolfgang Rüdig
Articles by Wolfgang RüdigWolfgang Rüdig is Reader in Politics at the School of Government and Public Policy, University of Strathclyde.
Meg Russell
Articles by Meg RussellMeg Russell is Professor of British and Comparative Politics and Director of the Constitution Unit.
Michael Rustin
Articles by Michael RustinMichael Rustin is a professor of sociology at the University of East London.
Jonathan Rutherford
Articles by Jonathan RutherfordJonathan Andrew Rutherford is an academic who was formerly a Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Middlesex.
Paul Sagar
Articles by Paul SagarPaul Sagar is a Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at King's College London.
Daniel Sage
Articles by Daniel SageDaniel is a social policy researcher at Edge Hill University and a Research Associate with Policy Network.
Fritz Sager
Articles by Fritz SagerFritz Sager is Professor of Political Science at the KPM Center for Public Management and co-head of the Ethics and Policy Lab of the Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern.
Richard Sambrook
Articles by Richard SambrookRichard Sambrook is Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism, School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University.
Neena Samota
Articles by Neena SamotaNeena Samota is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Business and Law, St Mary's University, Twickenham.
Martin Sandbu
Articles by Martin SandbuMartin Sandbu is a journalist at the Financial Times.
Anna Sanders
Articles by Anna SandersAnna Sanders is Lecturer in British Politics at the University of York.
David Sanders
Articles by David SandersDavid Sanders is Co-Editor of the Political Quarterly blog. He is also Emeritus Professor at the Department of Government, University of Essex.
Jeevun Sandher
Articles by Jeevun SandherJeevun Sandher is an Economist who is undertaking PhD research on political, economic and wellbeing inequality at Kings College London.
Donald Sassoon
Articles by Donald SassoonDonald Sassoon is the Literary Editor at the Political Quarterly. He is also Emeritus Professor of Comparative European History at Queen Mary, University of London.
Ben Saunders
Articles by Ben SaundersBen Saunders is an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton.
Robert Saunders
Articles by Robert SaundersRobert Saunders is Reader in Modern British History, Queen Mary University of London.
Mike Savage
Articles by Mike SavageMike Savage is Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics.
Daniel Schade
Articles by Daniel SchadeDaniel Schade is a Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in Political Science (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Tim Schwanen
Articles by Tim SchwanenTim Schwanen is Director of the Transport Studies Unit at the University of Oxford.
Jean Seaton
Articles by Jean SeatonJean Seaton is Professor of Media History at the University of Westminster. She is the Director of the Orwell
Foundation and a member of Political Quarterly's editorial board.
Stephen Sedley
Articles by Stephen SedleyStephen Sedley is a privy counsellor, former judge of the High Court and Court of Appeal.
Lynne Segal
Articles by Lynne SegalLynne Segal is Anniversary Professor Emerita of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, University of London.
Annika Sehl
Articles by Annika SehlAnnika Sehl holds the Chair of Journalism at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford. She was recently a member of the Council for the Future Development of Public Service Broadcasting (Future Council) in Germany.
Patrick Seyd
Articles by Patrick SeydPatrick Seyd is Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield.
Eric Shaw
Articles by Eric ShawEric Shaw is Honorary Research Fellow, Division of History and Politics, University of Stirling.
Jon Shaw
Articles by Jon ShawJon Shaw is Head of School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Professor of Transport Geography at the University of Plymouth.
Jack Sheldon
Articles by Jack SheldonJack Sheldon is currently an ESRC-funded PhD candidate in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge.
Michael Shiner
Articles by Michael ShinerMichael Shiner is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Rosalind Shorrocks
Articles by Rosalind ShorrocksRosalind Shorrocks is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Manchester.
Rabbil Sikdar
Articles by Rabbil SikdarRabbil Sikdar is a writer and researcher on social cohesion, integration and global Islamophobia.
Prem Sikka
Articles by Prem SikkaPrem Sikka is Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Sheffield.
Sonia Sikka
Articles by Sonia SikkaSonia Sikka is Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Ottawa.
Gabriel Siles-Brügge
Articles by Gabriel Siles-BrüggeGabriel Siles-Brügge is Reader at the University of Warwick and a Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons International Trade Committee.
James Silverwood
Articles by James SilverwoodJames Silverwood is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Leeds Beckett University.
Duncan Sim
Articles by Duncan SimDuncan Sim is Honorary Senior Research Fellow (and formerly Reader in Sociology) at the University of the West of Scotland. His research interests lie in issues of ethnicity and identity and particularly in relation to migrants and diasporas.
Miska Simanainen
Articles by Miska SimanainenMiska Simanainen is Researcher at Kela, Social Insurance Institution of Finland.
Melanie Simms
Articles by Melanie SimmsMelanie Simms is Professor of Work and Employment at the University of Glasgow.
Leila Simona Talani
Articles by Leila Simona TalaniLeila Simona Talani is Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the Centre for Italian Politics at Kings College London.
Sara Singha
Articles by Sara SinghaSara Singha is an independent researcher based in Washington, DC.
Mike Slaven
Articles by Mike SlavenMike Slaven is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Lincoln.
Peter Sloman
Articles by Peter SlomanPeter Sloman is Collections Co-Editor at the Political Quarterly. He is Professor of British Politics at POLIS and a Fellow of Churchill College.
Graham Smith
Articles by Graham SmithGraham Smith is Professor of Politics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) in the School of Social Sciences.
David Smith
Articles by David SmithDavid Smith is Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and a visiting professor at Cardiff and Nottingham Universities.
Martin Smith
Articles by Martin SmithMartin Smith is Anniversary Professor of Politics at the Department of Politics, University of York.
Simon Smith
Articles by Simon SmithDr Simon Smith is Associate Professor in the School of Justice, Security and Sustainability at Staffordshire University.
Angela Smith
Articles by Angela SmithAngela Smith is Professor of Language and Culture at the University of Sunderland.
Charlotte Snelling
Articles by Charlotte SnellingCharlotte Snelling is a Research Fellow at IPPR.
Brian Snowden
Articles by Brian Snowden -
Maria Sobolewska
Articles by Maria SobolewskaMaria Sobolewska is Reports and Surveys Editor at the Political Quarterly. She is also a Professor of Political Science at the University of Manchester.
Tom Sorell
Articles by Tom SorellTom Sorell is Professor of Politics and Philosophy at the University of Warwick.
Humphrey Southall
Articles by Humphrey SouthallHumphrey Southall is Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Portsmouth.
Nicholas Sowels
Articles by Nicholas SowelsNicholas Sowels is Senior Lecturer in British studies and English for economics at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a member of the PHARE research centre.
David A. Spencer
Articles by David A. Spencer -
Elizabeth A Stanko
Articles by Elizabeth A StankoElizabeth A. Stanko OBE is Professor Emerita of Criminology at Royal Holloway University. She worked for fifteen years in the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime in London.
Liam Stanley
Articles by Liam StanleyLiam Stanley is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Sheffield and a Fellow of the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).
Anna Stavrianakis
Articles by Anna StavrianakisAnna Stavrianakis is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sussex.
Fred Steward
Articles by Fred StewardFred Steward is Visiting Professor in the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources at the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, University College London.
Murray Stewart Leith
Articles by Murray Stewart LeithMurray Stewart Leith is Professor of Politics at the University of the West of Scotland. He has written extensively on aspects of politics, devolution and identity.
Alfie Stirling
Articles by Alfie StirlingAlfie Stirling is the Director of Research and Chief Economist at the New Economics Foundation (NEF).
Gerry Stoker
Articles by Gerry StokerProfessor Gerry Stoker is Professor of Governance within Politics & International Relations at the University of Southampton.
John Street
Articles by John StreetJohn Street is an emeritus professor of politics at the University of East Anglia. He is the author of Media, Politics and Democracy and co-author of the forthcoming Our Subversive Voice: The History and Politics of English Protest Songs, 1600-2020.
James Strong
Articles by James StrongDr James Strong is Lecturer in British Politics at Queen Mary, University of London.
Joanne Stubbs
Articles by Joanne StubbsJoanne Stubbs has been running an Online Child Activist Group for 16 months. She has brought around 20-25 people to the police as part of various activist groups as well as on her own.
Alice Sullivan
Articles by Alice SullivanAlice Sullivan is professor of sociology at UCL, and Head of Research at the UCL Social Research Institute (SRI).
Paula Surridge
Articles by Paula SurridgePaula Surridge is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol.
Adam Sutcliffe
Articles by Adam SutcliffeAdam Sutcliffe’s 'What are Jews For? History, Peoplehood, and Purpose' is to be published later this year.
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite
Articles by Florence Sutcliffe-BraithwaiteFlorence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite is a Lecturer in Twentieth Century British History at University College London.
Alex Sutherland
Articles by Alex SutherlandAlex Sutherland is a Professor at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford and currently works with the Metropolitan Police Service.
Balázs Szent-Iványi
Articles by Balázs Szent-IványiBalázs Szent-Iványi is Lecturer in Politics & International Relations / Deputy Director Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University.
Simon Szreter
Articles by Simon SzreterSimon Szreter is professor of history and public policy at the University of Cambridge, and a fellow of St John's College, Cambridge.
Damian Tambini
Articles by Damian TambiniDamian Tambini teaches at the London School of Economics.
Etain Tannam
Articles by Etain TannamEtain Tannam is Associate Professor of International Peace Studies and Fellow of Trinity College Dublin.
Miles Taylor
Articles by Miles TaylorMiles Taylor is at the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Emmeline Taylor
Articles by Emmeline TaylorEmmeline Taylor is Professor of Criminology and specialises in business crime at City, University of London.
James Taylor
Articles by James TaylorJames Taylor is Detective Chief Superintendent and the Head of Opal, the serious organised acquisitive crime unit.
Giuseppe Telesca
Articles by Giuseppe TelescaGiuseppe Telesca is research fellow at the European University Institute, Florence, where he works on The Memory of Financial Crises: Financial Actors and Global Risk, a project funded by the European Research Council.
Eiko Thielemann
Articles by Eiko ThielemannDr Eiko Thielemann is Associate Professor in Political Science and Public Policy in the Department of Government and the European Institute at the LSE.
Mark Thompson
Articles by Mark ThompsonSir Mark Thompson is the Chairman and CEO of CNN. He was CEO of Channel 4 between 2002 and 2004, Director-General of the BBC between 2004 and 2012 and CEO of The New York Times Company between 2012 and 2020.
Louise Thompson
Articles by Louise ThompsonLouise Thompson is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Manchester.
Grahame Thompson
Articles by Grahame ThompsonGrahame Thompson is Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at the Open University.
Paul Thompson
Articles by Paul ThompsonPaul Thompson is Emeritus Professor of Employment Studies at the University of Stirling.
Jennifer Thomson
Articles by Jennifer ThomsonJennifer Thomson is a Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of Bath.
Stella Tillyard
Articles by Stella TillyardStella Tillyard is a British novelist and historian. She was educated at Oxford and Harvard Universities and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Nicholas Timmins
Articles by Nicholas TimminsNicholas Timmins, former public policy commentator at the Financial Times, is a Senior Fellow at the King's Fund.
Matteo Tiratelli
Articles by Matteo TiratelliMatteo Tiratelli is a lecturer in UCL’s Social Research Institute.
John Tomaney
Articles by John TomaneyJohn Tomaney is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning in the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London.
Jim Tomlinson
Articles by Jim TomlinsonJim Tomlinson is Professor of Economic and Social History at the University of Glasgow and is completing the manuscript of a proposed book entitled Churchill and Industrial Britain. Liberalism, Empire and Employment, 1900–1929.
Jon Tonge
Articles by Jon TongeJon Tonge is Professor of Politics at the University of Liverpool.
David Torrance
Articles by David TorranceDavid Torrance is a constitutional specialist at the House of Commons Library. Before that, he was a freelance journalist and broadcaster. He is the author of more than a dozen books on Scottish and UK political history.
Siim Trumm
Articles by Siim TrummSiim Trumm is Associate Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham
Michael Tugendhat
Articles by Michael TugendhatSir Michael George Tugendhat is a High Court judge in England and Wales who has been in charge of many human rights cases. His latest book is Liberty Intact: Human Rights in English Law.
Mustafa Türkeș
Articles by Mustafa TürkeșMustafa Türkeș is a Professor at the Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Türkeș.
Royce Turner
Articles by Royce TurnerRoyce Turner is a Research assistant and policy analyst, University of Huddersfield.
Joe Turner
Articles by Joe TurnerJoe Turner is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of York.
Meral Ugur-Cinar
Articles by Meral Ugur-CinarMeral Ugur-Cinar is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Bilkent University, Turkey. She works on political regimes, political institutions, democratisation, collective memory, social movements and gender.
John Unsworth
Articles by John UnsworthJohn Unsworth is Director of Crime and Intelligence at Mitie Security.
Andrés Velasco
Articles by Andrés VelascoAndrés Velasco is Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Emma Vines
Articles by Emma VinesEmma Vines is Europa Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Studies, Australian National University.
Tim Vlandas
Articles by Tim VlandasTim Vlandas is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and Fellow of St Antony's College, University of Oxford.
Neha Vora
Articles by Neha VoraNeha Vora is Professor of Anthropology, Lafayette College.
Alex Waddan
Articles by Alex WaddanAlex Waddan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Leicester.
Stephanie Ward
Articles by Stephanie WardStephanie Ward is a Senior Lecturer in Modern Welsh History at Cardiff University.
Alan Ware
Articles by Alan WareAlan Ware is a fellow at Worcester College, Oxford University.
Sam Warner
Articles by Sam WarnerDr Sam Warner is a Research Associate at the University of Manchester.
Matthew Watson
Articles by Matthew WatsonMatthew Watson is Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick.
Jake Watts
Articles by Jake WattsJake Watts is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Birkbeck, University of London.
Albert Weale
Articles by Albert WealeAlbert Weale is Emeritus Professor of Political Theory and Public Policy at University College London. His latest book is Modern Social Contract Theory (OUP, 2020).
Niles Webb
Articles by Niles WebbNiles Webb is an independent researcher.
Alban Webb
Articles by Alban WebbAlban Webb teaches and writes about modern British political, cultural, and international history at the University of Sussex.
James Weinberg
Articles by James WeinbergJames Weinberg is Lecturer in Political Behaviour at the University of Sheffield and author of Who Enters Politics and Why?.
Manès Weisskircher
Articles by Manès WeisskircherManès Weisskircher is a political scientist and leads the research group REXKLIMA on far-right politics and climate change at TU Dresden.
Andy Westwood
Articles by Andy WestwoodAndy Westwood is Professor of Government Practice at the University of Manchester.
Duncan Wheeler
Articles by Duncan WheelerDuncan Wheeler is Professor and Chair of Spanish Studies at the University of Leeds.
Stuart White
Articles by Stuart WhiteStuart White is a Fellow in Politics at Jesus College, Oxford, and a lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University.
Paul Whiteley
Articles by Paul WhiteleyPaul Whiteley is a Professor of politics in the Department of Government, University of Essex
Lisa Claire Whitten
Articles by Lisa Claire WhittenLisa Claire Whitten is Research Fellow on the ESRC-funded project ‘Governance for a place between: the multi-levelled dynamics of implementing the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland’, based at Queen’s University Belfast.
Philip B Whyman
Articles by Philip B WhymanPhilip B. Whyman is Professor of Economics at the University of Central Lancashire.
David Whyte
Articles by David WhyteDavid Whyte is Professor of Socio-legal Studies at the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool.
Andrea Wigfield
Articles by Andrea WigfieldDr Andrea Wigfield is Director and Research Specialist, CIRCLE, University of Sheffield.
David Willetts
Articles by David WillettsDavid Willetts is a Conservative Party politician, life peer, and academic and is currently Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation.
Ben Williams
Articles by Ben WilliamsBen Williams is a Tutor in Politics and Political Theory, University of Salford.
Karel Williams
Articles by Karel WilliamsProfessor Karel Williams is director of the ESRC funded Centre for Research on Socio Cultural Change (CRESC) at the University of Manchester.
Adrian Williamson
Articles by Adrian WilliamsonAdrian Williamson is Research Associate, the Centre for Financial History, Darwin College, Cambridge and Honorary Professor, The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL.
Graham Wilson
Articles by Graham WilsonGraham Wilson is Professor Emeritus, Boston University and Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi
Articles by Naomi Wimborne-IdrissiNaomi Wimborne-Idrissi is the media officer for Jewish Voice for Labour. She was elected to the Labour Party NEC in 2022, then expelled from the party.
Belinda Winder
Articles by Belinda WinderBelinda Winder is a Professor in Forensic Psychology and Heads the Sexual Offences, Crime and Misconduct Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University.
Julia Wire
Articles by Julia WireJulia Wire is an Evidence and Evaluation Advisor at the College of Policing.
Harriet Wistrich
Articles by Harriet WistrichHarriet Wistrich is a solicitor and director of Centre for Women’s Justice.
Richard Woodward
Articles by Richard WoodwardRichard Woodward is Lecturer in Global Business at Technological University Dublin.
Ben Worthy
Articles by Ben WorthyBen Worthy is Lecturer in Politics at Birkbeck, University of London.
Tom Wraight
Articles by Tom WraightTom Wraight is Lecturer in Politics at Queen Mary University of London, UK.
Chris F Wright
Articles by Chris F WrightChris F Wright is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney Business School, The University of Sydney, Australia.
Tony Wright
Articles by Tony WrightTony Wright is a former MP, now Professor of Government and Public Policy at UCL.
Richard Wyn Jones
Articles by Richard Wyn JonesRichard Wyn Jones is Director of Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre and Dean of Public Affairs.
David Yarrow
Articles by David YarrowDavid Yarrow is Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Edinburgh.
Tesfalem Yemane
Articles by Tesfalem YemaneTesfalem Yemane is Research Associate at the University of Liverpool. Together, they work on the ESRC-funded Channel Crossings project.
Colin Yeo
Articles by Colin YeoColin Yeo is a barrister at Garden Court Chambers and founder of the Free Movement immigration law website.
Toby Young
Articles by Toby YoungToby Young is a British social commentator and formerly Director of the New Schools Network, a free schools charity.
Alison Young
Articles by Alison YoungProfessor Alison Young is the Sir David Williams Professor of Public Law at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Robinson College.
Pat Younge
Articles by Pat YoungePat Younge is an independent producer and former chief creative officer of BBC Television. He chairs the British Broadcasting Challenge, which promotes public discussion about UK public service broadcasting.
Samson Yuen
Articles by Samson YuenSamson Yuen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Elena Zambelli
Articles by Elena ZambelliElena Zambelli is an Honorary Research Associate and former Senior Research Associate in the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University.
Daniel Ziebarth
Articles by Daniel ZiebarthDaniel Ziebarth is a PhD Student in Political Science at The George Washington University and Researcher Fellow at Wagner College.
Rose Zussman
Articles by Rose ZussmanRose Zussman is a Senior Policy Officer at Transparency International.