Political Ideas
Do Celebrities Make Policy?
Are stars of popular culture to be counted amongst the politically powerful?
- Media
Review: They Called it Peace. Worlds of Imperial Violence, by Lauren Benton
The language of imperial violence.
Robert Saunders Announced as Winner of This Year's Crick Prize
Announcing the worthy winner of the annual Bernard Crick Prize for Best Article 2023.
- Brexit
On the Impossibility of Neoliberal Success: A Response to Michael Jacobs
A response that takes Jacobs’ critique further.
- Brexit
- Environment & Climate Change
On the Impossibility of Neoliberal Success: A Response to Michael Jacobs
This response takes Michael Jacobs’ critique of neoliberalism further-2
- Progressive Politics
On Neoliberalism and Institutions: A Response to Michael Jacobs
A response to Michael Jacobs's assessment of the multiple overlapping crises which now affect the world.
- Brexit
- Environment & Climate Change
US Republicans and the New Fusionism
The content and character of US Republicanism has changed.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Populism
The Future of Conservatism?
Evaluating the first report of the Onward think tank's Commission on The Future of Conservatism.
- Conservative Party
US Republicans and the New Fusionism
The new fusionism marks a long-run shift in Republican thinking.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Populism
The Power of Unintended Consequences: Strategic Naïvety, China and the End of the US Empire
Despite the best of intentions, US policy towards China has left its global empire in seemingly terminal decline.