Articles by Ben Jackson

Ben Jackson is Co-Editor of the Political Quarterly journal. He is also Professor of Modern History at Oxford University.
Beveridge’s Wager
'Misery generates hate' ran the epigraph of William Beveridge’s 1944 report Full Employment in a Free Society.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality
A Hundred Years of Labour Governments
Can there ever be a period of Labour government that is sustained in length and does not end in cries of betrayal?
- Labour Party
A Hundred Years of Labour Governments
Can there ever be a period of Labour government that is sustained in length and does not end in cries of betrayal?
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
Introduction: Scottish Politics After Sturgeon
Where stands Scottish politics? It's a question with significant implications.
- Scotland
Scottish Politics After Sturgeon
Where stands Scottish politics? It's a question with significant implications for next year's UK general election and for the dynamics of British politics thereafter.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Scotland
- Political Parties
- Elections & Campaigning
- Constitution
- Scotland
Can Gordon Brown and Keir Starmer Save the UK?
Opportunities don’t come around very often, so let’s hope Labour is able to seize this one.
- Devolution
- Labour Party
How Labour's Two Sides Might be Reconciled
The solution is surely to identify substantive policy overlaps between the two sides that would enable both factions to feel that they have gained a victory.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Progressive Politics
- Labour Party
Hard Labour
There is something about the Labour Party that makes otherwise rigorous left-wing thinkers misplace their critical faculties.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
English Votes for English Laws
The Conservatives have in effect become an English sovereigntist party.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Brexit
- Conservative Party
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
The Politics of the Labour Manifesto
At the outset of the 2017 election campaign there seemed to be a good chance that the Labour Party would be broken – possibly irreparably – on the anvil of nationalism.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
- Elections & Campaigning
- Media
- Labour Party
There is More Political Space for a Liberal Immigration Policy Than Ever
One lesson of Powell is that alarmism about immigration always ends up redounding to the discredit of its exponents.
- Immigration
- Brexit
- Racism & Antisemitism
Whatever Happened to the Conservative Party?
It has been widely observed that something has gone awry.
- Conservative Party
- Brexit
The Politics of Human Rights: A Response to Lord Sumption’s Reith Lectures
How convincing is the historical account that underpins Sumption’s argument?
- Human Rights
- Courts
The Labour Leadership Election: Getting it Together
On closer investigation the disagreement between left and right is less about policy, and more about entitlement.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
Review: The Literary Politics of Scottish Devolution. Voice, Class, Nation, by Scott Hames
The chronology of devolution has been obsessively picked over in Scottish public culture, but there remain sharp differences of opinion about its causal drivers.
- Devolution
- Scotland
A Crisis for Devolution?
To see the value of devolution, especially in the current crisis, it is worth remembering why it was introduced in the first place.
- Devolution
- Covid-19
Any Illusions About the Conservatives Being Swept From Office Should be Abandoned Now
Some commonplace beliefs about the Conservative party have been tested over the last few months and most of them look wobbly.
- Conservative Party
- Elections & Campaigning
- Covid-19
British Politics Beyond the End of History: Marx, Hayek and Andrew Gamble
Although Marxism as an organised force is a shadow of its Cold War heyday, we seem to live in a time when calling someone a Marxist can still inspire a strange political frisson.
- Political Parties
- Progressive Politics
Liberty After Neoliberalism
The Covid pandemic has raised hard questions about liberty and the role of the state – and many Conservatives have been discomfited by the answers that their own government has given.
- Conservative Party
- Political Parties
- Constitution