The Forthcoming General Election in the Republic of Ireland: Winds of (Left-Wing) Change or Plus Ça Change?
Commentary on a consequential General Election for the Republic of Ireland.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Ireland
- Elections & Campaigning
The Past or a Foreign Country? Should the Conservatives Look to Churchill or Australia After the 2024 General Election?
The Conservative Party should look to Australia for a guide on how to respond to its recent defeat.
- Conservative Party
- Elections & Campaigning
Centralised by Design: Anglocentric Constitutionalism, Accountability and the Failure of English Devolution
English devolution is a manifesto commitment, but Labour cannot deliver it through reliance on current or past policies.
- Devolution
- Constitution
- Labour Party
Review: What Does Israel Fear from Palestine? by Raja Shehadeh
Israel's catastrophic failures.
- Human Rights
Review: Fragile Victory. The Making and Unmaking of Liberal Order
Liberalism: A view from America.
- Progressive Politics
Beveridge’s Wager
'Misery generates hate' ran the epigraph of William Beveridge’s 1944 report Full Employment in a Free Society.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality
"American democracy is in some trouble": Interview with Helen Thompson
Anya Pearson interviews Professor Helen Thompson, an expert on geopolitics and political economy, on global disorder and Trump's re-election.
- Elections & Campaigning
Review: Left Is Not Woke, by Susan Neiman
Why each kind of wokeness now experiences its own oppressed minority like a separate ‘tribe’.
- Identity Politics
The Changing Face of Allotments: Findings from a Comprehensive Birmingham Study
The allotment movement has substantial potential but it remains a neglected backwater.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Environment & Climate Change