Will the Government Solve the Permacrisis of British Policing?
If the new Labour government is to restore trust in the police force a series of reforms are needed.
- Racism & Antisemitism
Repairing the United Kingdom’s Asylum System
Everyone can agree that the asylum system is broken. There is somewhat less consensus on how to repair it.
- Immigration
- Racism & Antisemitism
Do Celebrities Make Policy?
Do celebrities, who are unelected and unaccountable, influence public policy?
- Media
After Neoliberalism: Economic Theory and Policy in the Polycrisis
If we aren't living in a crisis of western capitalism, we are surely living in a crisis in the promise held out by it.
- Trade
- Populism
- Progressive Politics
The puzzling persistence of the hostile environment
Why have hostile environment policies proven so durable despite their indiscernible effect on meeting immigration control targets and their generation of a significant scandal?
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Racism & Antisemitism
Left Conservatism: Sahra Wagenknecht's Challenge to the German Party System
Reviewing the record of Germany’s current coalition government.
- Elections & Campaigning
The UK's ‘Safe and Legal’ Humanitarian Routes: from Colonial Ties to Privatising Protection
Who is allowed to come to the UK through the ‘safe and legal routes’?
- Immigration
From May to Sunak: The Failure of the Brexit Takeovers 2016-2024
Out of the UK's last six prime ministers, only two were voted into power. The Age of Brexit has also been the Age of Takeovers.
- Conservative Party
- Brexit
Using Research to Improve Policing post Casey—and Why that Might not Happen
Some suggestions on ways to resolve some of the issues raised in the Casey review.
Caught in a Vicious Cycle: Where are we with Stop and Search?
The coercive power of stop and search has long been a source of tension, particularly among marginalised communities.
- Racism & Antisemitism