Racism & Antisemitism
Ethnic Minority Representation After the 2024 General Election: Does Ethnicity No Longer Matter?
Voters clearly care about ethnicity, but not in the ways usually assumed.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Racism & Antisemitism
- Labour Party
Ethnic Minority Representation After the 2024 General Election: Does Ethnicity No Longer Matter?
Do race and ethnicity still matter for electoral outcomes?
- Conservative Party
- Elections & Campaigning
- Racism & Antisemitism
“We can combine control and compassion. We don't have to choose between them”: Interview with Sunder Katwala
Anya Pearson interviews Sunder Katwala, the director of British Future, on issues of immigration, identity, and race.
- Conservative Party
- Equality
- Populism
- Racism & Antisemitism
- Labour Party
Global Britain versus Little England? National Identity and the Future of the British Right
'Global Britain' could represent the best prospect for staving off a more forceful nationalism on the right.
- Conservative Party
- Populism
- Racism & Antisemitism
The Puzzling Persistence of the Hostile Environment
Why have hostile environment policies proven so durable despite their indiscernible effect on meeting immigration control targets and their generation of a significant scandal?
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Immigration
- Racism & Antisemitism
Will the Government Solve the Permacrisis of British Policing?
If the new Labour government is to restore trust in the police force a series of reforms are needed.
- Racism & Antisemitism
Repairing the United Kingdom’s Asylum System
Everyone can agree that the asylum system is broken. There is somewhat less consensus on how to repair it.
- Immigration
- Racism & Antisemitism
The puzzling persistence of the hostile environment
Why have hostile environment policies proven so durable despite their indiscernible effect on meeting immigration control targets and their generation of a significant scandal?
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Racism & Antisemitism
Caught in a Vicious Cycle: Where are we with Stop and Search?
The coercive power of stop and search has long been a source of tension, particularly among marginalised communities.
- Racism & Antisemitism
Scrutiny of Police Institutions and the Spectre of Culture
Exploring solutions to sexism and violence against women and girls within policing.
- Feminism & Gender
- Racism & Antisemitism