Parties & Elections
Northern Ireland once again stands at the crossroads
With Brexit, the Protocol and upcoming elections, Northern Ireland once again stands at a crossroads.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Ireland
An open letter to Conservative MPs
The Conservatives' continued support for Boris Johnson despite his Fixed Penalty Notice from the Metropolitan Police comes at a cost to democracy itself.
- Conservative Party
- Parliament
Power at all costs: Twenty years of Erdoğan
Democratic norms have never been sacred to President Erdoğan. The last two decades give ample reason to believe he will seek to preserve his power at all costs.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Populism
Do the Conservatives believe in social mobility?
The Conservatives have reconceptualised what social mobility means to them. It's an audacious idea and, politically, it may be a smart one.
- Conservative Party
- Equality
The 2021 Metro Mayors Elections: Localism Rebooted?
A new political institution has been added to subnational governance in England: ‘metro mayors’. What is their evolving role, and in what way – if at all – are they making an impact?
- Elections & Campaigning
- Devolution
Labour and the Patriot Game
The Labour Party has recently been advised to let the electorate know it is proud to be British. So what opportunities exist for Labour in the patriot game?
- Sovereignty
- Labour Party
- Labour Party
The Politics of Power and of Support: Introduction to an Andrew Gamble Inspired Special Section on the Conservative Party
Andrew Gamble has, from a left perspective, an unmatched depth of insight into the Conservative party over the decades. We asked contributors to this special issue to assess the Conservatives with reference to Gamble's work.
- Conservative Party
Ploughed Under? Labour’s Grassroots Post-Corbyn
A significant number of Labour members could leave as a result of Corbyn being replaced by Starmer, but whether this will have much impact on Labour’s electoral prospects is debatable.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
Why Wouldn't They Be Reconciled? Corbyn's Leadership and the Recalcitrance of the Parliamentary Labour Party
The most plausible explanation for MPs’ opposition to Corbyn is simply a lack of material motivation.
- Labour Party