Political Economy
Sorry for any Inconvenience Caused: Why Britain Messed up High Speed Rail
No convincing answer to the simple but devastating question of ‘why do I need to get to Birmingham in 49 minutes?’.
An Industrial Policy for Hairdressing?
A wasteland of nail-bars?
- Work & Trade Unions
- Labour Party
Buying Greenland
In the next four years, European governments can expect that the US will intervene in their domestic politics in new and troublesome ways.
- Populism
Labour and the Productivity Diagnosis
Reeves' focus on productivity offers space for the pursuit of a moderate social democratic agenda.
- Work & Trade Unions
- Labour Party
Wealth Accumulation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Has the wealth boom been good or bad news for economies and the rest of society?
- Labour Party
Children of Littlechild: Ten Steps to Public Ownership
The functional case for public ownership and investment.
- Progressive Politics
"American democracy is in some trouble": Interview with Helen Thompson
Anya Pearson interviews Professor Helen Thompson, an expert on geopolitics and political economy, on global disorder and Trump's re-election.
- Elections & Campaigning
Responding to Michael Jacobs' Lecture 'After Neoliberalism'
For more than a decade, western societies have struggled to respond to declining prosperity, accelerating climate change and rising inequalities. A 'paradigm shift' in economic theory and public policy seems overdue. But if neoliberalism is dead, what should replace it? Michael Jacobs gave the Political Quarterly annual lecture 'After Neoliberalism: Economic Theory and Policy in the Polycrisis' in November 2023. In this collection, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Abby Innes and Gavin Kelly respond to his assessment of the 'polycrisis' and how governments should approach policy making in this new age.
Epistemic Injustice in Budgetary Politics: A Response to Rachel Reeves's Mais Lecture
Rachel Reeves's March 2024 Mais lecture was an exercise in tempering hope that Britain's threadbare public services would soon be restored to health.
- Labour Party
On Institutions and Economic Policy: A Response to Michael Jacobs
The terrain on which politics is likely to be contested will involve a larger role for the state and continued debate about the appropriate role of institutions.
- Progressive Politics