Parties & Elections
Populism, Hegemony and Agency: Left Economics after Corbynism
Labour's election defeat in December 2019 provided the opportunity for a fundamental rethinking of economic and political strategy of a kind that failed to take place during Corbyn's era.
- Labour Party
Corbynism and its Aftermath
Context caught up with the outlook of Jeremy Corbyn, rather than the other way around.
- Labour Party
Gender Politics after Corbynism
How initial prospects for the cultivation of a more gender-sensitive left politics in the early years of the Corbyn period were ultimately undermined.
- Feminism & Gender
- Labour Party
Looking for Starmerism
Assessing the evolution of Starmerism through his successful campaign to be leader of a divided party and his first year as leader of the opposition.
- Labour Party
The Problems of Starmerism
Labour and Keir Starmer would do well not to throw over Corbynism in its entirety.
- Labour Party
Movements and Gatekeepers in a Hybrid Media Environment: A Comparison of the Twitter Networks of Corbynism and the People's Vote Movement
What is the extent to which the Corbyn movement and the movement for a People's Vote were able to attract the attention of mainstream media ‘gatekeepers’ on Twitter?
- Labour Party
‘This Really has the Potential to Destroy us’: Jeremy Corbyn's Management of the Problem of Anti-semitism in the Labour Party
The inadequacy of the Corbyn leadership's schematic understanding of anti-semitism and of its managerial precepts help explain its failure to resolve the anti-semitism crisis.
- Labour Party
The Labour Party Under Keir Starmer: ‘Thanks, But no “isms” Please!’
Starmer's reluctance to reveal his agenda is deliberate and is part of a strategy of ‘ideological quietism’.
- Labour Party
‘A Mood in the Air … Like 1945’: Democratic Socialism and the Post-Corbyn Labour Party
An overriding preoccupation with distancing Labour from Corbynism risks paralysing it from responding to its fast-changing context.
- Labour Party
Labour’s Factionalism and a Reappraisal of Eric Hobsbawm
Eric Hobsbawm’s case for a more pluralistic, dynamic and intellectually inquiring Labour party is particularly relevant given the recent election of Keir Starmer.
- Progressive Politics
- Labour Party