Law & justice
Seven Things to Consider Before Setting up a Public Inquiry
What are the very basic questions that ministers and potential inquiry chairs absolutely should consider before setting up or agreeing to run a public inquiry?
- Trade
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Courts
Navigating Labour's New Constitutional Position in the Lords
Exploring how the powers of a conservative House can be used for progressive ends.
- Courts
- Labour Party
The Politics of Human Rights: A Response to Lord Sumption’s Reith Lectures
How convincing is the historical account that underpins Sumption’s argument?
- Human Rights
- Courts
Heightened Immigration Rules Pave the Way for Another Windrush-style Scandal
Since 2010, Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment’ for immigrants has brought a catalogue of human rights violations and inequalities in Britain.
- Immigration
- Brexit
- Human Rights
Conservatives Regard Human Rights as a Foreign Imposition – but They Helped Shape Them in the First Place
Human rights have traditionally been the concern of all leading political parties in the UK, both right and left‐wing.
- Conservative Party
- Human Rights
Tech Companies are Failing to Protect Children. Academics and Online Child Activist Groups Speak Out
We need to balance individual freedoms with the protection of individuals. But who should put those limits in place?
- Media
The Productivity Puzzle in Public Service Reform
The UK appears to be less efficient and effective than its neighbours.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality
Treating the Stansted 15 as Terrorists is Part of a Worrying Trend
Peaceful, non-violent protest is a vital part of our democracy.
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Courts
"People Will Have to Reconceptualise Their Ideas of Gender": Why Reform of the Gender Recognition Act Could be Life-Changing
Why reform would be life-changing.
- Feminism & Gender
- Courts
The UN Still Won’t Prioritise Human Rights Above the Rights of Corporations
The draft has already been criticised for key shortcomings and omissions.
- Trade
- Human Rights