Theme: Society & Culture | Content Type: Journal article

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Fifty Years after Peter Singer's Animal Liberation: What has the Animal Rights Movement Achieved so Far?

Manès Weisskircher


Brian David

| 1 min read

This article analyses the impact of the animal rights movement fifty years after the publication of Peter Singer's landmark book Animal Liberation in 1975. Examining the gains and losses of this vibrant social movement, the article takes a broad international perspective and makes the following key arguments: First, despite comprehensive animal welfare policies, state regulation has so far remained rather ineffective in reducing animal suffering, especially in those areas where most animals are being harmed. Second, consumer choices, lifestyles and markets have changed substantially, most importantly reflected in the recent rise of veganism—but only relatively small numbers of people have made the choice to abstain from most or even all animal products. Third, long-term economic and demographic trends in human society constitute crucial challenges for reducing animal suffering globally. Fourth and lastly, cultured meat may offer significant potential for animal advocates to make future gains if some important obstacles can be overcome.

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    Manès Weisskircher

    Manès Weisskircher is a political scientist and leads the research group REXKLIMA on far-right politics and climate change at TU Dresden.

    Articles by Manès Weisskircher