The Present Crisis Demands a New International Monetary System for the Public Good
In this ongoing catalogue of coronavirus-related disorder, history reminds us that it is in precisely these conditions that old doctrines are overturned and new paradigms are ushered in.
- Trade
- Covid-19
"We Need to Learn How to Talk About Risk and Trade-Offs in the Coronavirus Crisis": Interview with Lawrence Freedman
Anya Pearson interviews Sir Lawrence David Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies at King's College London, about the government's handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
- Brexit
- Trade
- Covid-19
Is it Really Possible to Resurrect Sectoral Collective Bargaining and Restore Trade Union Power?
Since 2017 the Labour party has proposed mandatory sectoral collective bargaining as a comprehensive strategy to rebuild the trade union voice. But how feasible is this approach?
- Work & Trade Unions
- Trade
- Labour Party
Improvement Districts: An Explainer
The presence of improvement districts across in cities across the world has been increasing since the 1970’s. But what are they, why are they created, and which policies make for success?
- Trade
Post-Work Politics – Why the Tipping Point Thesis is Wrong
The problem with tipping point arguments is that they are not empirically sustainable.
- Work & Trade Unions
- Trade
Brexit and Gastronationalism
‘Gastronationalism’ is the idea that there are distinctive and authentic national food cultures that are threatened by the forces of globalisation. It is a myth.
- Sovereignty
- Brexit
- Trade
- Identity Politics
How Brexit Will Affect the Fast Food Industry – the Cost of Taking Back Control
The fast food industry has emerged as one of the major battlegrounds of the EU withdrawal process.
- Brexit
- Trade
Seven Things to Consider Before Setting up a Public Inquiry
What are the very basic questions that ministers and potential inquiry chairs absolutely should consider before setting up or agreeing to run a public inquiry?
- Trade
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Courts
Making the Case for Collective Voice at Work
What do employers and employees gain when they participate in mechanisms of collective voice? This question matters because work is changing.
- Work & Trade Unions
- Trade
A Lawyer’s Perspective on Corporate Governance Reform
How feasible are the proposals likely to be in practice?
- Trade