Why Decolonising the Curriculum Matters
Decolonising the curriculum is about encouraging a much wider debate that shows an awareness of the contexts in which knowledge is produced.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Decolonisation
We Live in a Post‐Nolan Age, and Boris Johnson is its Embodiment
In the ‘post‐truth’ world, crises of legitimacy create space for demagogues to cast themselves as authentic speakers of truth to power.
- Conservative Party
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Sovereignty
The 2019 General Election: What's Trust Got to do With it?
Does being trustworthy not matter anymore? Can you win, and not be trusted or trustworthy?
- Conservative Party
- Brexit
- Labour Party
Labour's Worst General Election Result Since 1935 Doesn't Foretell Attlee-Style Triumph
It's been said that because Clement Attlee presided over that 1935 defeat, all is not lost for Labour. If anyone is consoled by that thought, open a history book.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Labour Party
In Defence of Blue Labour
There is a debate to be had about Blue Labour and its political ideas. It doesn’t start here.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality
- Progressive Politics
Democratic Reform in the UK: Bold Moves Needed to Restore Trust in Politics
Trust in politics is low, yet candidates are campaigning to win the public’s confidence – and with it, their votes. Could democratic reform in the UK be the answer?
- Political Parties
- Elections & Campaigning
Lebanon Protests: Why a WhatsApp Tax Sparked a Political Movement
There are deeper undercurrents that explain why the protests in Lebanon are happening.
- Political Parties
- Media
The Supreme Court's Prorogation Decision: What it Means for the Future
Even among those who welcomed the Supreme Court's decision on the prorogation of parliament, there has been concern that the Court has entered into dangerous new territory.
- Parliament
- Brexit
- Courts
Orientation and Training for New MPs in Canada and the UK
Orientation and training for new MPs is of vital importance in helping them to make the transition from electoral candidates to elected members.
- Elections & Campaigning
- Parliament
Could Public Attitudes Led Policy Making Fix our Democracy?
Traditional democracy is creaking. The process of politics itself needs to change – the stakes could not be higher.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality