Theme: Parties & Elections | Content Type: Journal article

The Collapse of the Green Wall

Wyn Grant


Tomas Hertogh

| 0 mins read

The Conservative Party has usually done well in rural areas, but its ‘green wall’ is now under threat from Labour more than the Liberal Democrats. Farmers did not support Brexit any more than the general population, and in income terms they are currently doing well, but fear for the future. In addition, food security issues are more complex than they are portrayed, as are the relations with the devolved governments. In Scotland, the government there is much more popular among Scottish farmers whilst the government in Wales is doing much worse among farming communities.

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  • Wyn Grant

    Wyn Grant

    Wyn Grant is Reports and Surveys Editor at the Political Quarterly. He is also a Professor of Politics at the University of Warwick.

    Articles by Wyn Grant