Theme: Parties & Elections | Content Type: Journal article

Labour's Economic Strategy: A Response to Rachel Reeves's Mais Lecture

Aled Davies


Christopher Bill

| 0 mins read

In her 2024 Mais lecture, soon-to-be chancellor Rachel Reeves made the case for prioritising national economic security over the pursuit of ‘hyperglobalisation’. She put national economic productivity improvements at the heart of Labour's political-economic strategy, reflecting the emergence of a dual consensus on economic government that has developed independently of the Labour Party in recent years. Reeves has recognised that this offers space for the pursuit of a moderate social democratic agenda, but the political challenge for the Labour government will be to maintain public support until its gradualist growth policies begin to take effect.

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    Aled Davies

    Aled Davies is Darby Fellow in Modern History at Lincoln College, University of Oxford.

    Articles by Aled Davies