Review: Fragile Victory. The Making and Unmaking of Liberal Order
Liberalism: A view from America.
- Progressive Politics
Beveridge’s Wager
'Misery generates hate' ran the epigraph of William Beveridge’s 1944 report Full Employment in a Free Society.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Equality
"American democracy is in some trouble": Interview with Helen Thompson
Anya Pearson interviews Professor Helen Thompson, an expert on geopolitics and political economy, on global disorder and Trump's re-election.
- Elections & Campaigning
Review: Left Is Not Woke, by Susan Neiman
Why each kind of wokeness now experiences its own oppressed minority like a separate ‘tribe’.
- Identity Politics
The Changing Face of Allotments: Findings from a Comprehensive Birmingham Study
The allotment movement has substantial potential but it remains a neglected backwater.
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Environment & Climate Change
Playing the System: Electoral Bias in the 2024 UK General Election
Putting the relative Conservative-Labour bias at the 2024 election into a longer historical perspective.
- Conservative Party
- Voting systems
- Labour Party
Playing the System: Electoral Bias in the 2024 UK General Election
Putting the relative Conservative-Labour bias at the 2024 election into a longer historical perspective.
- Conservative Party
- Voting systems
- Labour Party
Using Research to Improve Policing post Casey—and Why that Might not Happen
How can more and better evidence help policing now?
Review: The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order, by Glenn Diesen
Diesen's conclusion is optimistic and pessimistic in equal measure.
The Economic Competence of the Labour Party in Historical Perspective
What are the historical roots of the relationship between the Labour Party and economic competence?
- Conservative Party
- Labour Party