Political Economy
Review: Blue Labour. The Politics of the Common Good, by Maurice Glasman
In his new book, Glasman focusses on Blue Labour's economics and how to stimulate the nation's democratic and civic renewal.
- Work & Trade Unions
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Labour Party
- Work & Trade Unions
- Health, Education & Welfare
Levelling Up the UK: If not the Conservatives, will Labour Learn the Lessons from Past Policy Failings?
Analysing the government's critique of past reforms, the lessons it has set out and why its reform programme is likely to repeat past failings.
- Conservative Party
- Health, Education & Welfare
Social Democracy's Muted Revival
What is the place of social democracy in the political and economic order that is emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, and the economic crisis that has followed in its wake?
- Work & Trade Unions
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Progressive Politics
Careful What you Wish for? Risk and Reward with Scottish Tax Devolution
Debates on fiscal devolution typically focus upon the rewards, but as the case of Scottish tax devolution shows, the risks are real and require careful management.
- Devolution
- Scotland
Review: How to Make an Entrepreneurial State. Why Innovation Needs Bureaucracy, by Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler and Erkki Karo.
Paul Auerbach reviews 'How to Make an Entrepreneurial State. Why Innovation Needs Bureaucracy' by Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler and Erkki Karo.
- Work & Trade Unions
- Trade
- Health, Education & Welfare
Why Strike Ballots are Undemocratic
New legislation governing strike ballots now requires that a majority of members vote. This has some surprising consequences.
- Work & Trade Unions
Labour's ‘Everyday Economy’: Why, How, and for Whom?
Does the Labour party have the appetite to turn ideas of the 'everyday economy' into a broader agenda for structural reform?
- Work & Trade Unions
- Equality
- Labour Party
Why the Everyday Economy is the Innovation Labour Needs
What would the politics of the economy look like if we focussed our attention on the foundational/everyday economy?
- Labour Party
A Hapless Government Produces an Unlikely Hero
One of the Truss government's remarkable achievements was to elevate the OBR from dull forecasting body to central pillar of fiscal responsibility.
- Conservative Party