The Problem at No 10
Ever since George Osborne’s catastrophe-strewn budget in the spring, Cameron has looked like a man pulled apart by events, not in charge of them.
- Conservative Party
Making Sense of Snowden
Perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the publication of the US National Security Agency (NSA) and GCHQ documents is that Britain appears not to be shocked at all.
- Courts
Reflections on One Nation Labour
One Nation Labour remains a work in progress. But its success or failure will be clear in less than two years.
- Labour Party
After the Party?
One of the central facts of recent British politics has been the decline of the political party. Why has this decline happened? Does it matter? And what, if anything might be done about it?
- Political Parties
- Elections & Campaigning
Tax and Spending (Again)
The depth of the spending cuts now being implemented by Whitehall departments and local authorities across the UK is unprecedented in postwar Britain.
- Trade
- Health, Education & Welfare
- Labour Party
Osborne v. Growth: The Chancellor and the New Green Economy
The most telling comment on last week’s Budget came from the Government’s very own Office for Budget Responsibility, which acknowledged that the Chancellor’s measures would have no impact on growth.
- Environment & Climate Change
Gove is all around: Exams, public services and EU competition law
Michael Gove’s retreat on his plan to reform GCSE examinations has provided an object lesson in the perils of political hubris.
- Conservative Party
- Health, Education & Welfare
Whitehall at War?
The recent exposure of serious tensions between ministers and civil servants has once again highlighted this most sensitive of constitutional relationships.
- Civil Service & Bureaucracy
- Parliament
Obama's Victory: Non-Lessons for Britain
Barack Obama's remarkable victory proves one thing at least: just how distorting is the first past the post electoral system.
- Elections & Campaigning
The Coalition's Carbon Crunch
David Cameron’s announcement that the Government would legislate to force energy companies to put customers on their lowest tariffs sounded good for a couple of hours, but it quickly unravelled.
- Trade
- Environment & Climate Change