Past issue

Volume 95, Issue 1

January/March 2024

Includes a collection on the Future of Public Service Broadcasting, edited by Suzanne Franks and Jean Seaton. This features articles by Mark Thompson 'The Case for a Strong BBC: Cultural Sovereignty and Public Service Broadcasting in the Netflix Era'; Diane Coyle 'The Governance of the BBC'; Helen Jay 'A Public Service Internet - Reclaiming the Public Service Mission' ; and Patrick Barwise 'BBC Funding: Much Ado about the Cost of a Coffee a Week'. There are a wide range of other articles including 'Back to the Stone Age: Europe's Mainstream Right and Climate Change’ by Mitya Pearson and 'Labour, the Unions and Proportional Representation' by Cameron Rhys Herbert. Finally, there is a selection of book reviews to peruse from Lyndsey Jenkins's review of Fighting For Life: The Twelve Battles that Made Our NHS and the Struggle for Its Future by Isabel Hardman, and Victoria Brittain's review of Three Worlds, Memoirs of an Arab-Jew by Avi Shlaim.

Informing, Educating and Entertaining for Democracy; the BBC at Home and Abroad: what public service should look like

Free to read

Introduction: Where Next for Public Service Broadcasting?

Suzanne Franks and Jean Seaton

BBC Independence, Governance and Regulation what do we need in the twenty-first century?

Free to read

The Governance of the BBC

Diane Coyle

Benefits and Values

‘It's the Programmes, Stupid’

Rosaleen Hughes and Pat Younge

Impartiality in Public Broadcasting

Richard Sambrook and Stephen Cushion

Navigating the Platforms


Nations, Regions and Local

The Local Press and the BBC

Frances Cairncross

The World

China's Media Warfare

Isabel Hilton


Free to read

From ‘I Think’ to ‘I Feel’

Stephen Coleman

Free to read

Labour, the Unions and Proportional Representation

Cameron Rhys Herbert

US Republicans and the New Fusionism

Alex Waddan and Edward Ashbee

Reports and Surveys

The State We're In

David Smith

Preparing for Government

Jonathan Boston

Book Reviews

The problem with constitutions

Gianfranco Pasquino