Past issue

Volume 93, Issue 2

April-June 2022

Includes a collection of articles on the challenging relationship between business and politics, edited by Wyn Grant. Other highlights include Michael Jacob's reflections on COP26 and Erica Consterdine's assessment of private and public interests in Conservative immigration policy. Book reviews include Archie Brown's review of Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union by Vladislav M. Zubok, and Andrew Gamble's review of Always Red by Len McCluskey.

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Issue Information


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The Bank of England Loses its Mojo

Deborah Mabbett

Business and Politics: A Relationship under Challenge

Big Tech Lobbying in the EU

Andrew Tarrant and Tim Cowen

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Hedging Bets; British Business Lobbying in the European Union post-Brexit

David Coen and Alexander Katsaitis


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Strategies for Climate Change Post COP26

Jon Bloomfield and Fred Steward

Reports and Surveys

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Does Libertarianism Provide a Justification for Vaccine Hesitancy?

Jethro Butler and Tom Sorell

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The Politics of Covid Vaccine Hesitancy and Opposition

Tom Sorell and Jethro Butler

Book Reviews

Could we bring back Clem Attlee?

Gianfranco Pasquino