Theme: Society & Culture | Content Type: Journal article

Where Next for Public Service Broadcasting?

Jean Seaton and Suzanne Franks

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Sam Moghadam Khamseh

| 0 mins read

Good quality information is a public utility: the rich and powerful will always have access to what they need to know, but poor people do not. Indeed, increasing inequalities in access to decent information underlie other more obvious inequalities. Bad information does not respect borders and yet democracy depends on informed citizens. The case for public intervention in what used to be called broadcasting, now including digital media—but which needs to be thought of as a public information space—is at a tipping point. This collection of essays sets out these vital challenges and offers some innovative solutions.

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  • Jean Seaton

    Jean Seaton

    Jean Seaton is Professor of Media History at the University of Westminster. She is the Director of the Orwell

    Foundation and a member of Political Quarterly's editorial board.

    Articles by Jean Seaton
  • Suzanne_Franks_11_03_241.jpg

    Suzanne Franks

    Suzanne Franks is Professor of Journalism at City, University of London and a former BBC TV

    journalist. She has published widely on the history and development of broadcasting.

    Articles by Suzanne Franks
Volume 95, Issue 2

Latest Journal Issue

Volume 95, Issue 2

Includes a collection edited by James Hampshire on Immigration and Asylum Policy After Brexit, exploring how recent immigration and asylum policies reflect the ambivalent, unstable and unresolved meanings of Brexit itself. There are a wide range of other articles including 'A Hundred Years of Labour Governments' by Ben Jackson; and 'The Good, the Not so Good, and Liz Truss: MPs’ Evaluations of Postwar Prime Ministers' by Royal Holloway Group PR3710. Reports and Surveys include 'Addressing Barriers to Women's Representation in Party Candidate Selections' by Sofia Collignon. Finally, there is a selection of book reviews such as Nick Pearce's review of When Nothing Works: From Cost of Living to Foundational Liveability, by Luca Calafati, Julie Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal and Karel Williams; and Penelope J. Corfield's review of The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time, by Yascha Mounk.

Find out more about the latest issue of the journal