Theme: Political Economy | Content Type: Book review

Review: Cannibal Capitalism. How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet—and What We Can Do About It, by Nancy Fraser

Alexandre Leskanich



| 0 mins read

Today, a mood of crisis is pervasive. This mood reflects a reality in tatters; one which cannot be evaded through intentional ignorance of it. That's because the conditions that define it constitute afflictions on a global scale: ones which stem from the wholesale looting and pillaging of the planet we share in common; from the confiscation of the time and labour of all human beings, who require adequate air, shelter, water, food, clothing and companionship, the supply of which is now increasingly compromised by the very system supposed to vouchsafe them.

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Volume 95, Issue 4

Latest issue

Volume 95, Issue 4

This issue features a collection 'Responding to Rachel Reeves' Mais Lecture', in which authors including Dan Corry, Aveek Bhattacharya and Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni give their analyses of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's statement of economic policy given before Labour came to power. In addition there is a collection featuring Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Abby Innes and Gavin Kelly responding to Michael Jacobs' assessment of today's global 'polycrisis'. Other articles include Philippe Marlière's assessment of why French social democracy is in turmoil; and Helen Margetts, Cosmina Dorobantu, and Jonathan Bright's piece on building progressive public services with artificial intelligence. A selection of book reviews feature Dick Pountain's review of Left Is Not Woke by Susan Neiman, and Helen McCarthy's review of The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire by Tehila Sasson.

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