Theme: Public Policy | Content Type: Journal article

A Behavioural Science Approach to Tackling Sexism and Misogyny in Policing: Interventions for Instigating Cultural Change

Esther Flanagan and Julia Wire


| 1 min read

Changing ingrained behaviours linked to sexism and misogyny in policing cannot be achieved by a quick fix. There are numerous barriers to change within the policing system, which require multiple targeted interventions running in parallel to tackle sexism and misogyny successfully. A behavioural science approach was applied to ‘diagnose’ the problem and identify interventions systematically. This approach does not seek to explain behaviour in terms of the characteristics of individual officers or staff. It combines insights from a range of disciplines to understand how people act in particular contexts. There is no single intervention that can shift ingrained behaviour; a package of targeted interventions is needed. Using the ‘behaviour change wheel’ as the underpinning framework, four target behaviours, seven key influences on behaviour and twelve interventions for change were identified. The connections between the behaviours, influences and interventions illustrate how a holistic package of interventions is required to change culture across the policing system.

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Volume 96, Issue 1

Latest Journal Issue

Volume 96, Issue 1

This issue features a collection titled 'The 2024 UK General Election' edited by Ben Jackson, Colm Murphy and Peter Sloman, in which authors including Ross Mckibbin; Will Jennings,  Gerry Stoker, Paula Surridge, Maria Sobolewska, Mathew Lawrence and many more discuss the sources of Labour’s victory and consider how the result will shape the future of British politics. Other articles include a commentary by Deborah Mabbett on Trump's proposal to buy Greenland; 'Centralised by Design: Anglocentric Constitutionalism, Accountability and the Failure of English Devolution' by John Denham and Janice Morphet; 'Broke and Broken: The Crises Facing Local Government in England' by David Jeffery; and 'Biographies of Discontent: The Challenges Facing Labour' by Helen Goodman. A selection of book reviews feature Morgan Jones' thoughts on 'Against Landlords: How to Solve the Housing Crisis' by Nick Bano, and Lyndsey Jenkins' review of 'Orwell's Ghosts: Wisdom and Warnings for the Twenty-First Century' by Laura Beers.

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