Journal submissions

What kind of articles do we consider for publication?

We publish articles on politics and public policy which are based on knowledge of the most authoritative sources and expert opinions. However, authors should not set out the whole corpus of related academic literature, and should avoid being technical or narrowly academic. The journal’s tradition is to publish jargon-free articles written in plain English that are nevertheless challenging, intellectually demanding and innovative. A typical PQ article will discuss issues of contemporary importance, or offer background material and analysis that is directly relevant to these issues.

While the UK is central to the journal's remit, we publish articles on domestic politics and policy around the globe, aiming to bring diverse perspectives to issues of general political interest.

Who is our readership?

Many of PQ’s readers are academics, but the journal aims to address the interests of a broad readership of policymakers, politicians, journalists, students and the informed public.

What other types of articles do we publish?

Articles in themed groups (Collections) or in the Reports and Surveys section are normally commissioned separately. Reviews are normally commissioned by the Literary Editor, Donald Sassoon, to whom all books for review must be sent ( Information about Collections can be found here.

How long should your article be?

We do not normally publish articles longer than 5,000 words (including notes). If your piece is longer or much shorter than this, please contact us. We also ask for a 150-word abstract and six keywords for all published articles, as these are vital for online searching.

Book reviews are normally 1000-1500 words and Reports and Surveys 2000-3500 words.

Do we have a style guide?

A detailed style document is available to download. You may also, of course, refer to articles already published by The Political Quarterly for examples of style.

Is there payment?

PQ does not generally pay authors for articles. However, it does pay for book reviews, reports and surveys, and articles written by scholars not in full-time academic employment and self-employed writers. Payment may also be made to authors of commissioned articles on a discretionary basis. Where articles are co-authored, payment is made to the eligible author/s on a pro rata basis.

What publishing licence do we use?

Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for typesetting unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the ELF for further details).

What is the pre-publishing process?

If your article is accepted for publication, you will receive PDF proofs from the publisher and you may make minor adjustments at this stage, but please avoid substantial rewriting unless you have agreed this with the Managing Editor. Contributors are asked to return corrections to the Managing Editor or other indicated person as soon as possible, and normally within five days of receipt.

Where to send your submission

Please send all submissions to: Submissions should be sent as an email attachment in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or .rtf formats. Whatever software you use, please do not add elaborate formatting or decoration to your file—we have to strip it all out again during editing.

Can you write a blog for The Political Quarterly instead?

We welcome pitches for 800–1000 word blogs. Most (but not all) of our authors are academics or work in public policy. If you’ve got an idea, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with a brief outline.

Where can you send a book for review?

All books for review should be sent to:

Donald Sassoon

108 New River Head

173 Rosebery Avenue

London EC1R 4UR